Chapter Eight

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The sea was calm which to the now traveling force felt nice. But they knew that eventually the calm quiet sea's will be replaced by a battlefield, a battlefield were the smell of gunpowder and the ring of cannons will be heard. The sky would illuminate a deep orangey hued, the aircraft would be released and the shells of battleships would rain down upon the enemy's.

All the while chaos would erupt around them.

But one did not share the same line of though as her fellow comrades, a girl with blazing sapphire eyes kept her composer as her face showed no signs of worry or fear.

Flooring upon the surface of the ocean her glided one the crystal clear water like a professional ice skater, her form made no moves of wasted effort. All her moves was perfect.

Her allies would watch her from time to time admiring her form as the armor she wore reflected the sun's light making her shine in the blazing light if the sun.

But now there sight was directed back to the open calm sea, which at any moment could turn into a raging monstrous storm. So with vigilance in their movements they headed towards their inevitable battle.

While the axis mind simply looked on a head with her blank usual dead expression, upon her face.

Hours later.

Time had flowed to the distant future as now the members of the Sakura Empire found themselves in the location of the reported siren activity.

Nagato ordered them to fan out but not to go over 50 m from this original spot. Telling them that if they're investigation does not lead to siren activity, or at least the discoverance of this massive squad that they were reported spotted. Then they were to regroup and come up with another plan, she also advised that that if any sirens were spotted they were to give a signal to allow them no now where the sirens were and allow them to come running in to assist them.

Understanding their objective they all fanned out with at least one member backing them up.

Atago with Takao.

Akagi with Yamato.

Nagato with Kawakaze.

Shoukaku with Zuikaku.

Ayanami with Prinz Eugen

And lastly Kaga with Atheon.

While the iron blood forces were split among themselves heading off into groups of two.

With each team taking a certain direction, Atheon decided to wait she watched as everyone vanished off into the distance with her partner Kaga looking at her confused.

"Atheon why are we waiting here. Shouldn't we be going out and finding the sirens?"

"That's precisely what I'm doing right now."

"Huh?" Kaga's expression turn to one of abstract confusion how are you supposed to find the enemy by simply standing still?

But Atheon payed her no mind and simply continued to focus on her radar.

All Vex have a built-in radar which allows them to detect any signs of organic life through vast quantities, the exact range of it is several thousand meters.

And with this Atheon was quickly able to detect at least 200 different life signatures that didn't belong to this group.

Kaga waited for her partner that was not expecting her to suddenly turn and blitz off into the distance, quickly having to follow her she was barely able to keep her in eyes view.

'my God her speed is quite impressive'.

While the white haired Kitsune struggled to keep up the most powerful axis mind was steadily approaching her Target.

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