Chapter Eleven

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Fourth five minutes sense last chapter, with Kaga.

The white girls girl walked away from the bar as she headed towards her and her sisters shared dorm as she entered with the key which he hanged upon her waist, she looked around before heading off to her side of the room and within a secret compartment begin to pull out supplies that she would need.

Her mind raced with thought, about what Atheon said, and the gateway Network that she could create.

If something like that was truly possible then that would mean this war would dramatically shift in their favor, supplies was a necessary thing to begin any form of combat and if this gateway system promised exactly as she said it would then receiving said supplies would be as simple as breathing. They would be able to stockpile ammunition faster have more medicine and basically everything they could possibly need at a beck and call without needing to wait which means that the supply Lanes could be changed into traps..... if their enemies were to know.

'That could work, we could lure them into a trap. Atheon's gateway Network would allow us to never have to worry about supply Lanes, we could use the manpower we need in order to survey those Waters in order to focus more on our objective of creating the orochi. Then we could use false information in order to devastate our enemies more, let's say an envelope which is meant to be sent for iron blooded to change the routes of our supplies, and it gets discovered by members of Azur lane upon attacking one of our recon team sent to deliver it. They would used this opportunity to try and sever our supply Lanes which thanks to her would be unnecessary, then we can stage a strike in case them and crush them right there and then.'

She begin to imagine this plan in a great amount of detail, going over every piece in her mind. Going over every flaw which could arise and then subsequently finding a solution to said flaw, but even with all this said and though, there was still the problem of having to get nagato to agree with it. But she was confident that would be the least challenging part of this, after all the amount of data they could collect would be astronomical with a battle of this scale and who now's what else Atheon could create for them with the technology of her race, new ships, weapons, first aid, the possibilities were endless especially when you consider how much more technologically advanced she is compared to everyone else even the sirens.

Kaga found herself subconsciously smiling in delight, finally after so long of them having to take defeat after defeat from the gray ghost Enterprise, and Azur lane they could turn the tide of this war and with the help and cooperation of Atheon, they could revolutionize every possible thing they would need to win they could have shaped this war into how they wanted it to they would be in the front steering everything, with all the others in the back having to accept the fact that they're not the ones in control anymore.

She was shacking with excitement, a fire began to burn within her a fire which she thought was extinguished long ago, a fire which only seemed to burn with her racing heart each time her heartbeat that fire grew, determination pumped through her veins. And fire began to shine from her eyes, the fiery which showed the level of determination which was oozing from her.

She packed up everything and went towards the door, as she neared it she stopped as her sister walked in. Elegantly walking each step lightly tapped upon their wooden floor, as she looked at her younger sibling and smiled.

"My my Kaga that's such a beautiful expression you have on your face, I didn't think you could make such a face."

Kaga widened her eyes before looking in the mirror, and lo and behold she was seeing that very same expression. The expression a soldier makes when they are determined to make some kind of change, to make sure that their life is not just empty, hollow, that there life meant something. The fire in her eyes blazed like a raging thunder Storm, seeing this she took deep breaths to calm down, perhaps she got a bit excited at the thought to finally being able to crush Azur lane and by proxy be able to complete project orochi and see her sister happy, and be reunited with Amagi. Got to her a bit more then she thought, and she was needing to calm the hell down before she burst.

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