Chapter Nineteen

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(real quick warning for the rest of you, this and the next chapter are the last chapters for this story. Might seem like a shock but which how things are now Atheon can fully end the war and the only thing that needs to be corrected is the Guardian. Once that is done atheon and Kaga can put an end to all this. So this and one more and then it's all over.)

The sounds of engine's howled in the wind as the forces of the Sakura Empire, Iron blood and Vichya Dominion where mobilized.

The sailed the sea as they matched towards there soon to be enemies.

Bismarck and her ship floated alongside the two leaders, Nagato and Jean Bart, there faces straight and at the ready.

They knew this would be a dangerous battle, but this was a fight they couldn't lose, they had to much riding on this hope that the black cube gives them.

{In another universe a certain scientist found his cube moved on it's own as it's slightly pushes itself back. Almost as if it sneezed.}

However Bismarck looked off to the side where there standing upon Kaga's ship was Atheon, Times Conflux. There secret weapon and a powerful woman.

Reason for her hawk like eyes watching her so closely was because there was something she wasn't telling them. They where gone and yet it seems like they had perfect info on everything...

This wasn't something to scoff at, this was truly suspicious, and something that needed to be understood but she just couldn't.

Time after time she came up short on an answer.


"Yes Nagato?"

The two looked one another.

"Is there a problem?"

"...... Yes, I can't help but feel like those two-"

"Are hiding something."

"..... Precisely."

Nagato looked upon the leader who would sacrifice everything for her faction, before looking at Atheon.

"Truth be told Bismarck trying to understand her secrets, It's like trying to understand the vast universe, it is something that cannot be done, The best you can do is just accept them and move on."

".... How do you know theses secrets of hers won't harm us?"

"... Because we just need to have faith. As we always have when walking down this path."

".... Your right it's just..."

"Hard to except this change."


"I see, But Bismarck Can I ask you a question, are you concerned about these secrets because you believe they may hurt us, or are you asking these and making this up to hide the fact your scared of Atheon."

The leader froze as she looked at Nagato.


"I've seen it happen before, Yamato was first like this when Atheon came into play, her power still frightens her to this very day. To cope with this fear she made theses points about how she could be dangerous and could destroy us when I didn't believe them. When it comes to fear like this we must simply learn to accept it instead of rejecting it, but given the world we live in I fear that this may be impossible, After all we don't take too kindly to aliens."

".... How do you do it Nagato? How Can you stand in her presence without feeling any side effects?" The leaders eyes were narrowed on her, since her creation she's fought hundreds of sirens with her fellow sisters in arms, came close to death by the hands of Royal Navy, and is a seasoned veteran at this and yet such close proximity to the Vex God was... To much, It was like staring into a black hole which consumed her very sanity, She couldn't understand even the most simplistic things which came from her very essence. These gates, her realm, all of it, It made no sense to her.

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