Chapter 26 : (Un)Faithful Reunion

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(Y/N) : Hah... back at Arc City, we were just here a couple hours ago.

Mei : C'mon. Let's try and find Rita.

The two of you then heard a loud boom at the distance

(Y/N) : Yup, that's gotta be her.

Mei nodded and the both of you ran towards the direction of the sound. And as you made it there, you and Mei saw a bunch of dead robots. Just as expected.

(Y/N) : Yup, this is her alright. No woman can just slice through these bots like butter just like she does.

Mei : Then we better stay on guard and get to a higher point of view, we can look around more if we do that.

(Y/N) : Then let's get to the roofs.

The both of you then jumped up to the roof of some nearby building. Mei landed perfectly fine, while you landed but instantly slipped on a puddle of water.

(Y/N) : Gwak!

Mei : (Y/N)! Y-you okay?

(Y/N) : Yea.. just a stroke of bad luck, that's all. Now, where do we look from here on out?

Mei : Look at that building over there, the one that looks like a pyramid.

(Y/N) : Wonder if there's a vampire around here.

Mei : Why would there be? The world is bizarre enough as it is.

(Y/N) : True. Wait look!

Mei : Huh?

(Y/N) : It's Rita! Wonder why she wants to go there though..

Mei : It doesn't matter. We need to get to her, now.

(Y/N) : Roger that.

You and Mei then used the roofs as a way to get to the pyramid without getting spotted on the way there, then the two of you made it to the entrance of the pyramid on a nearby building in front of it.

(Y/N) : Damn, lots'a guards. Robot guards it seems, what should we do about that?

Mei : Let's take out a few, then try to find a way into the building.

You nodded as Mei pointed out there was a small entrance on the side of the building, where there are two Robo-Guards standing in front of it. You and Mei agreed to take them both out at the same time, the both of you jumped down from the building and quickly assassinate the Robo-Guards. Mei sliced one in half while you stab one of them on the head, Akino poking through it.

Mei then notices something on the entrance.

Mei : The entrance needs a head scan to  pass.

(Y/N) : Oh, i got an idea.

You then sliced off the dead Robo-Guards head and gave it to Mei.

(Y/N) : How about that? Maybe it'll work.

Mei then raises the head on the scanner, it then scans the head and beeps as the entrance opens.

(Y/N) : Man i'm smart.

Mei : Heh Yeah. Smart thinking (Y/N).

(Y/N) : You're welcome!

You and Mei went in as you two thought of an idea to sneak into the building.

Mei : Now how do we get in?

(Y/N) : Hmm.. let's try to see what we can sneak through.

Literally A Minute Later

Mei : Found anything?

(Y/N) : I got it.

Mei : What is it?

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