Chapter 6 : Where the Wind blows (Part 1)

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A day has passed since the nightmare happened, right now i'm in a briefing with Himeko and the others about the Gem of... Desire? Sounds a bit lewd to me not gonna lie, well whatever it is we need to retrieve it from a place in New Zealand.

A Few Hours later.

Himeko : Private (Y/N) (L/N), are you on your spot?

(Y/N) : Yeah i'am. But can i ask you something?

Himeko : Hmm,What is it?

(Y/N) : Why are we here again?

Himeko : (Y/N) (L/N). Were you even listening back then?

(Y/N) : I did! I promise! B-but i forgot.

Himeko : *sigh* I'll make this quick so listen carefully ok?

(Y/N) : Roger that.

Himeko : *BLABLABLA* Unmaned battleship*BLABLABLA* Retrieve Gem of desire *BLABLABLA* Spike in Honkai Energy *BLABLABLA* Place is crawling with Zombies and Beasts *BLABLABLA* 3 Honkai cubes *BLABLABLA* 14 years ago *BLABLABLA* Research program *BLABLABLA* Kept in Oceanic branch.
Got it?

(Y/N) : U-uhh yeah got it no problemo.

Himeko : *sigh* atleast he got the point. Anything else?

(Y/N) : Yeah. Why is Kiana a higher rank than me?

Himeko : Is it really that important right now?


Kiana : Because you suck!

(Y/N) : Shut up! No one asked you! I can beat you up in seconds you know!

Kiana : I'd like to see you try.

Himeko : Alright you two that's enough! Focus on the mission, this is no time to joke around.

(Y/N) : Yeah-yeah got it sis.


You closed the intercom and searched for the Gem. Only to be interupted by Zombies and Honkai Beasts.

(Y/N) : This ain't gonna stop me!

You tried to grab your Katana and Gun, but just to notice that it's not there.

(Y/N) : Oh riight, i haven't gotten my weapons yet. That means i need to use the next best thing. Which are my fists!
(Y/N) Punch!

You punched one of the honkai beast on the front and made it launch to the other enemies, sending them flying a couple meters. You then jump forward towards them and groundpounded the ground with your fist,the ground exploded then they died.

(Y/N) : One down, many more to go.


You went againts wave after waves of Honkai beasts and Zombies while trying to find the gem and it made you very tired.

(Y/N) : *huff* *huff* there's no end to this!


Bronya : Subject (Y/N), Bronya has send you coordinates. We have found something.

(Y/N) : *huff* gimme a sec... still out of breath.

Bronya : Da, don't take too long.


The intercom closes as you got your breath back. Being the lazy person that you are, you decided to jump towards the coordinates.


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