Fridges Eat Shit

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Dinner at the House of Lamentation, was awkward to say the least. Lucifer through most of it stared me down, I for the most part ignored his gaze casually munching on my food while trying to make idle talk with Levi, Satan Beel and Mammon. Who over the course of the few days we have held a pact together have grown closer.

Picking a piece of boiled egg white from what remains of the salad in the center of the table I give it to Satan, the snake, who lies nestled in my cleavage, head poked out and glaring right back at Lucifer.

"It's rather rude to stare so blatantly at someone when they are trying to eat you know?" Tired of the older demons shit I turn my head toward the head of the table to stare right back at him.

"I allowed you to bring your pets, that does not mean I like them at the table Isis."

"I always take my meals with my animals, they are like family to me." I pat the still glaring snake on the head lovingly. "Besides Satan isn't bothering anybody, hes out of the way and beside you dont have to look in my direction. You are choosing to glare a hole into the side of my head."

I state nonchalantly taking a bite of my food.

"First the massive one, now this? Can't you make it stop glaring at me."

"No can do, he just doesnt like you is all. Can't blame him honestly, youre a bit of an ass."

"Only a bit?" I hear the demon, Satan murmur.

"I'll have those reptiles and your cat returned to your residence in the human world." Lucifer growls.

"You're just cranky, Satan isnt doing anything."

"Must he be in your shirt?"

"He likes it there, its warm." I turn back to my food and continue eating, done with the conversation.

"I dont like your attitude, human." Lucifer spits out the word human as an insult.

"Okay, I dont like yours either, demon." My voice is laced with venom, growing increasingly agitated. I pick up my plate and leave the table. "I'll bring my dishes down when I'm done, I'm taking dinner in my room. If you will excuse me." I dont wait for his response as I leave.

Once in my room i shoot Beel a text


Dont eat everything

I'll prolly come back for more


Should I save you some fried

Pheasant breasts:

That would be wonderful

Green beans too if theres any left


Got it, should i bring you a plate?


If you dont mind

Several minutes later theres a knock at my door.

"Isis its me." Beels deep voice sounds from behind the door.

"C'mon in."

Beel then lets himself in three plates precariously balanced on his arm to open the door.

"Mind if I eat with you?"

"Sure, hop on the bed, just dont get crumbs everywhere aight?" I say as i scoot my mostly finished plate and myself closer to the wall making room for the large demon to sit.

"Watch out for Baalthazaar hes somewhere in the covers."

"Got it." Beel passes me mine and I assume his plates before crawling into my bed, not sitting too close.

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