The Labyrinth

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The week droned with not much happening, there were a few whispers about what busted me up but other than that nothing really to note. I for one was pretty excited to go back to Diavolo's castle. I enjoyed my first visit and was pretty excited for whatever he has planned for everyone.

By the time the weekend rolled around I could tell Lucifer was having none of everyones bullshit, most fo the brothers were agitated by having to leave the house and their plans for the weekend interrupted.

I sing loudly to the music blaring in my room as I pack, dancing a bit as I pack a couple of Beel's shirts that I stole from him and some of my cuter outfits I havent gotten the chance to wear due to RAD having a uniform, and just not leaving the house much.

After making sure Mouse had enough food and my snakes scheduled feeding is Sunday night, I make sure to leave the bathroom door open for Mouse and let everyone out of their tanks and set up the heat lamps on the floor before heading out, bidding them farewell.

Lugging my bags to the foyer I see Levi already there and complaining, Satan also complaining and Mammon, you guessed it complaining. Lucifer reguareded me with a brief glance before turnign his attention elsewhere.

Beel soon followed after me and rested his arm on my head.

"Youre really short Isis." He says

"Damn you just now noticed. Besides I'm sure most people are short compared to you, what are you like 6'5?" I tilt my head back and glare at him playfully.

"Nah I'm like 6'7 i think." He states nonchalantly.

"Save some for the vertically challenged would you, I swear between you Diavolo and Pridey-ass over there I look like a dwarf. Hell compared to the lot of you. Even Asmo has at least a head on me."

Beel chuckles and moves his arm and I can hear a faint chuckle of Satan fromm across the foyer, to which I promptly shoot him a glare too.

"Talk to me when your not above the national average height, shrink perhaps tall asses." I set my bags down and cross my arms in a fake pout.

After a few minutes I pipe up and ask, "Soo are we like walking or taking a car?"

It was then that Mammon perked up, "Isis we should take my car and not pile in with the rest of my brothers. Its cramped in that thing anyway."

I can tell by Mammon's expression that my eyes light up by the way he smiles. I cant help it I love cars.

"What kind of car do you have, or cars? Is it vintage, I happen to have a collection of vintage cars back home. I actually took Diavolo for a ride in one of them, it's a pastel yellow '63 Benz convertible. I have 6 vintage cars and then a 2017 Mustang. Ooh I also have a couple motorcycles." I cant help the big smile that comes to my face and I step towards him grabbing onto the front of his shit in my excitement.

Mammon blushes, I don know whether from the way I grabbed him or the way I talked about my cars but he did.

"I was thinking on taking my baby, its a Demonio 666 Lexura, and yes it is vintage." He says with a proud grin before turning to Lucifer no doubt about to make a comment.

"I assume its a Devildom model? Either way I'd love to see it, does it have a manual transmission? Can I drive it at some point. Oooh I'll ride with Mams." I bounce on the toes of my feet before turning around to look at the others in the room, Asmo has since joined carrying way too many bags for a three day excursion and they all stared at me like I was crazy.

"Well if Mammon wasn't already he definitely is in love with Isis now." I vaugely register Asmo say as I stare down Lucifer.

"Can we? Can we? Can we?" I repeat multiple times bouncing with each word and nearly vibrating from excitement.

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