Little bit of info and world building (NOT A TRUE UPDATE)

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Name: Isis Drijah D'Mordain

Birthday: September 19 (theyre a Virgo)

Eye color: One green one blue

Hair color: Dark brown, and cut into a shag (they never style it due to her curly hair texture.)

Height: 5'3

Ethnicity: Cauccasian (white) isis was born and raised in the south

Languages spoken: English fluently, Studied Mandarin but isn't fluent, and wishes to learn Infernal.

Likes: Video games, cars, good architecture, spicy foods, Callahan, cats and reptiles.

Dislikes, Overly sweet things, people abusing their power to harass or belittle those weaker than them, her dad, her ex, ground meats, silence.

Personality: Generally outgoing, isnt afraid to speak their mind. Can, will and has put themself in danger for the sake of those she cares about. Puts up a fairly unbothered by most things mask in front of most people but has a few self esteem issues, especially revolving her body.

Isis tends to form attachments easily, and since she is able to read people via their empathy ability she usually is good at telling who is good and who isnt. Granted this has failed them in the past.

People in the Devildom shes closest too: Mammon, Beel, Luke Satan and Diavolo

Magical abilities: N/a, though they now are the master of a grimoire called 'Madir' they have the ability of empathy, and are able to sense emotions, intentions and danger levels of those she is in close proximity to or in direct contact.

Due to being in the Devildom and around powerful demons and just around supernatural entities, she has taken up veilign to protect themself from from being overwhelmed by just the presences of others.

She usually wears gloves to dull the sense of skin on skin empathic bond, but is starting to not wear them as much around the House of Lamentation or in the presence of Diavolo, Simeon, Luke or Solomon.

Isis's empathic abilities are a gift to the Human Lilith's descendants as mentioned in Isis's first dream meeting with Liliths spirit.

Isis is somewhat of an enigma to those around her. They seem to not be bothered by the fact that they are practically a sheep in a den of wolves. Demons who do not actively follow Diavolo's ideals tend to keep away from Isis due to the fact that she is growing increasingly closer to not only the Seven Lords of the Devildom, but also the crown prince himself.

They are well aware of the fact that Isis is aware of her surroundings at all times, they are also aware of the dark stain that lies in the center of her soul, that otherwise has the colors of a sunset out on the sea. (ie reds yellows and oranges with a deep black at the center just about where her heart rests)


Madir is an age old grimoire that is seemingly bound in human skin, (confirmed by Solomon to be older than himself and bound in human leather) It is a patchwork of different skin colors ranging from deep ebony to an aged porcelain color. On the front cover rests a large eye that when Isis isn't in contact or using it stays closed. (think Book from the movie "Hocus Pocus")

The eye was once a deep blue color and after choosing Isis's as its new master adopted a swirl of her own eye color. It can be assumed that the original master, or one of the previous ones had blue eyes.

It is even unknown to Solomon how many masters Madir has had, it's extremely possible that it had at one point belonged to a powerful demon who has since perished, since according to Solomon its been 600 years since he last laid eyes on it.

Madir is an extremely powerful artifact that has the ability to control demons, even if it involves the violation of a pact order. The text within the grimoire itself is written in a language lost to the ages. (addendum: the text is expected to change to one of the languages Isis is able to read but has yet to do so.)

Isis and Diavolo made an eternally binding vow that she is not to abuse the power of Madir against Himself and the demons closest to him, unless the circumstances are dire and she is in direct danger. This vow does not extend to any of the other Beings in the devildom.

Beings under the vow include: Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and finally Belphegor. (it is to be noted that said vow did not include Diavolo's father King Baphomet, for reasons unknown, though it is unlikely that Isis will meet Baphomet in their lifetime Maybe)

Name: Madir

Age: unknown (only confirmed to be older than solomon whos about *solomon appears out of nowhere* I told you not to calculate my age. >:| (Damn old man okay)

Language: Unknown

Origin: Unknown

Materials: Human skin, potentially a human eye, brass, pressed parchment stained yellow with age, has a silken lining on the inner covers

Personality: Madir has adopted a somewhat cat-like personality (subject to change), it will purr when being held by Isis, and occasionally make chirping noises. Will growl when feels threatened, or when Isis is in a heightened emotional state. Tends to be very clingy to its new master, and has adopted the same eye color as Isis.

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