I suck at naming chapters

405 15 18

My call with Cal went just about as expected. A lecture, once again about staying safe and not starting fights with high ranked demons. I told him about the grimoire and he lessened his lecture and started questioning me on it. To which I answered honestly and said I have no clue why it decided I was its new master.

After a lengthy conversation with Cal, and thoroughly convincing him that I'm fine and my life isnt in direct danger, and was only in danger because I decided to step in he finaly let me go.

Heading back into Beels room, grimoire in hand, I see him sprawled on the bed, Monty curled around his shoulders and Mouse sleeping contently in his lap. I smile at the sight and make my way to the closet, grabbing some comfortable clothing to change into, snagging one of Beels shirts.

I go to the bathroom wordlessly and change, sparing a glance to the mirror I find my face fully healed as expected. I trace my hands over the scar and sigh, thankfully I didn't lose sight in my left eye. I poke at a now bald spot in my eyebrow where the scar runs through, at least I don't have to shave slits in it anymore.

Walking back out Beel looks up at me. "Stealing my clothes again?"

"Maybe." I smile this time without any pain and sit on the bed, setting the grimoire in my lap.

"Is that the grimoire from the crypt, why do you have it?"

"Apparently it chose me as its new master, its mine now. If you're worried about me using it against you or your brothers again, I swore an oath with Diavolo not too." I state nonchalantly.

Beel's eyes go wide at that and he sits up, disturbing my cat, who meows in discontent before settling back down.

"Is that bad, I'm the one who suggested it."

"You do realize those are life binding right?" Beel asks and I feel his worry from where I sit.

"Yea, I didn't plan on using it again like that unless absolutely necessary anway. If i were to use it in a dire circumstance it wouldnt be violating the contract."

A few hours pass talking to Beel when he deems it time to go to bed, and makes his way over to the couch. I turn the lamp off once he's settled and wish him a goodnight before curling under the covers still warm from his body heat.

Waking in the dreamscape I'm not met with Belphegor, who had been visiting me often, but a memory I had tried to burry.

The same sinister smile as he loomed over me knife in hand, unable to do anything against him. I cry out for help to no avail, nothing changes as I relive the moment that changed my path in life.

Waking with a start to a loud sound I look around to find Beel groaning on the floor.

"Beel are you okay?" I ask voice hoarse.

"Yea, I fell off the couch, did I wake you?" He asks, voice even deeper from being previously asleep.

"Yea, but I'm glad you did, I wasnt having that good of a dream."

"You had a nightmare too?" He asks crawling back onto the couch.

"Yea about my ex, what about you?"

"I was dreaming of Lilith's death."

A moment of silence passes between us before I speak up again.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Sure, its always the same premise. Usually I'm unable to move, unable to save either of them, sometimes I move to save Belphie, and Lilith curses my name as she falls. Other times I save Lilith and she screams for Belphie as he falls." he pauses, "I don't like when they happen. What about you?"

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