A Scavenger Hunt and New Powers

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Its long since both of my roommates have fallen asleep, all while I lay suffering. I'm covered in sweat and if I wasn't in a room with the literal Avatar of Lust, I would have completely stripped down.

Mumbling a bunch of explicatives under my breath so I wouldn't wake Simeon. Asmo I couldnt give a fuck about at the moment. I toss and turn in my bed, not even bothering to get under the blankets knowing that would just cook me.

I turn and face the middle bed where Simeon is sleeping and halfway contemplate jumping in bed with him, hes always so cool to the touch I bet he'd be a nice little angelic freezer for me but I decide against it.

Thrashing around angrily in bed again I decide to go for a walk in the halls. Not bothering to put on my shirt, or my shoes for that matter I leave the room. I nearly cry out in joy at the cool air of the hall, and nearly go back in, grab a blanket to just sleep out here.

I pace the halls several times letting the air cool the sweat that is everywhere. I curse myself silently for not bringing a pair of headphones with me for some music, the silence isnt really something I welcome. It leaves me alone to actually hear my thoughts and at the moment all I can think about is what Asmo said earlier.

"Well maybe if you slept in a higher temperature that ugly scar of yours wouldn't make you look so downright hideous."

Simeon should have really let me rip him a new one. I sigh and bring my hand to my face, trailing my fingers along the scar. My mind going to the words of random cat callers when I was out in town then finally to the words that man said to me when he cut into my face.

"Guess the bastard was right." I mutter to myself.

I sigh and sink down a wall and just sit, the cool tiles of the floor helping to aid my heightened body temperature and ground myself from going down a rabbit hole I'd rather not bring up again.

I spent probably several hours just sitting in the hall before fatigue finally caught up to me. With a yawn I stand and make my way back to my room, as soon as I open the door I'm blasted with hot air and growl in agitation. I glance at the clock and find it reads 5 am. Ugh.

Plopping once more on my bed I hope to fall asleep before the heat gets to me again. Sadly it doesnt but I manage to fall asleep anyway.

Memories of the past plague my dreams and I find myself unable to wake myself up. Just as the blade was about to carve into my face once more a voice shakes through my head.

"Isis. Isis wake up."

I jolt awake a scream dying iin my throat as I lash out my fist connecting into the abdomen of someone.

"Ouch." the voice of Simeon cuts through my panic.

"Oh gods Simeon I'm so sorry." I sit up in bed and I can feel beads of sweat dripping down my back.

"It's alright, you were having a nightmare right?" Simeons aura invades my senses as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Heh yea, something like that. What time is it?" I ask

"Its about six in the morning."

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME." I all but yell before plopping back in my very sweat dampened bed before throwing a pillow over my head.

"Isis you need to get up, breakfast is being cooked." Simeon says once again placing a hand on my shoulder.

I groan loudly before throwing the pillow off of me, and thoroughly overheating.

"I swear to fuck whoever thought it a good idea to have breakfast at this fucking hour is going to get their ass kicked in." I grumble and send a glare at Asmo who just walked out of the bathroom.

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