Lunch and High Ramblings

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I wake up to the voice of Beel in my ear.

"Isis I'm hungry."

"Mornin' Beel. What time is it?"

"Dunno." I feel Beel shrug his shoulders and a weight on my legs shifts. Leaning my head up some i find Levi sprawled hugging my legs, his tail somehow still out and is wrapped along my legs once more. Looking slightly beside Levi, curled around the otherside of my legs lays Mammon who apparently got off the floor after my walk and got on the bed.

"Alright let me up, I'm going to shower and then I suppose I'll start making some food for today's lunch. As much as I would like to stay in a cuddle pile."

"Mmm, Isis's cooking." Beel says and I can hear the drool pooling in his mouth, as he lifts his arm off of me.

I chuckle and grab some clothes, once again from Beel's closet, can you blame me though, oversized shirts? Yes, please.

After a quick shower, not bothering the struggle of washing my hair I get out dry off and walk out in Beels shirt and another pair of comfy shorts forgoing a bra since its too much hassle.

I walk into the kitchen to find Barbatos waiting for me there.

"Ahh, Isis I was wondering when you'd get up." The glance that Barbs gives me seems a little too knowing for my taste and I step up next to him.

"Mornin' Barbs, and what's that supposed to mean, you know how much I like my sleep."

Barbs hums in resposne before explaining the magic of the kitchen, "The kitchen is equipped with magic to nearly instantly make any requested ingredients appear

"Alright sounds good." I pause before decideing the first ingredient, "Twelve pounds of chicken.." I announce into the room, and not three seconds later the exact amount of chicken appears on the countertop on butcher paper.

"Wow, thats actually pretty cool."

Barbs and I spend the next hour or so cooking lunch for everyone and then setting the table together, our conversations ranged from just the food being prepared to music. To which I found that Barbatos is a fan of metal music. So naturally we exchanged playlists.

Once everything was on the table I sent a text to everyone. Naturally Beel was the first one in, quickly followed by all of the other brothers, the angels and Solomon, and finally Diavolo.

"Alright boys, some home cooked human world food. I've prepared several of my favorite meals growing up and I hope you like them!"

"Why is there so much chicken?" Luke asks.

"Because, I am extremely picky, so most of my diet is based around chicken as the meat. All of my food offers no sensory disturbances because of the way that I prep all of my foods." I smile before continuing. "I have made several different types of chicken, including lemon pepper and garlic, fried, mesquite, and barbeque.I've also made some steaks, cooked in butter and red wine, with some salt and pepper.

For the side dishes, I have mashed potatoes, green beans, cornbread, fried okra and squash, as well as, eight cheese mac and cheese." I smile proud of myself for all the food. "Go ahead guys dig in."

There is a chorus of different praises reaching my ears all having something great to say about the food, though the one person I'm most worried about is still piling portions off everything cooked onto plates.

"Its probably not as good as Barbatos's cooking but I hope you like it, Diavolo." I pause, "OH, also I didn't want to bother everyone to ask how they like their steaks cooked, so Ive arranged them in order of doneness, the ones closest to Diavolo are rare, while the ones closer to Luke and Simeon are medium well."

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