Chapter 10 Not So Bad After All

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Was this your reality now? Ha, how many times have you thought that? Time seemed so slow now. Every minute that passed felt like an hour and if days have gone by you're not certain how many or how quickly. The anti void was so wire and barren even with all the blue string hanging about and those dolls. Still being out of it was better than dangling like a puppet from the ceiling.

You wondered, would error actually kill you and take hour soul? He said it himself he had no use for it, and you weren't sure exactly how "souls" to monsters worked other than the every living being has one. So you wondered why he was taking you with him. It's not as if you'd follow ink, especially after that weird dream you had.

No it wasn't a dream it was reality for a short while and then it became a nightmare. You're not sure what the water has been representing in your dreams but you don't think it's good to have it reoccurring in nightmares. You've been walking steadily behind error for some time now, and as your mind wandered you were also captivated with this world.

It was like being in an endless night sky. You swore at this point you were in space and how you were able to breath was beyond you. To think merely a few weeks ago monsters had been free of the underground, monsters you didn't even know existed, and now? To see an entire multiverse is opportunities? It was certainly a marvel in itself.

But you're not an adventuring type. Much like yours Papyrus you prefer the comfort of home. The comfort of lazing about. It's not lazing really, not when you're sad, but how can you tell your friends or family that you're sad? That would kill them if they truly care for you. So you're content with the lazy label until it was just you and chara. Then you stepped up became the big sister you had to be all for your sibling.

Chara was always the more adventurous one anyway, saving monsters traveling through au's helping anyone and anything seemed up their alley no matter the circumstances. But you? You're not cut out for this. Cut out to be here. You're only here to save your friends and family to save your sibling.

You still hate to think what error would have done if you hadn't done anything. No one to save the day from the scary villain. Though you don't think he's as scary as he pretends to be. Your eyes gravitated away from the brilliant lights and amazing structures to gaze at the skeleton ahead of you keeping his pace like he wanted a particular place that was out of reach with a simple access point.

Needless to say though his actions aren't right either. What would Chara do? How would they talk to error? Get him to understand that life even if most of it can be garbage, isn't worth destroying? Is it even worth reasoning with him? He seemed so full of himself, conceded and arrogant, vengeful and so angry, and then sometimes calm and quite.

What would Chara do?

"This place is beautiful do you come here a lot to star gaze?" The words left your lips with out a second thought, grasping on to what little bravery you had left but determined all the same to have at least a civil conversation with error in hopes of maybe understanding him more till CORE frisks comes to help you again.

"Why do you care?" Error seemed cold, unwilling to share which was quite the contrast to how he was so willing to gloat about himself most of the time. You hesitated on speaking.

"I was just," you hesitated once more heavily weighing your words, "curious. I've never seen anything like this before and it's so vast and beautiful I was just wondering: is this some place you visit a lot?"

Suddenly error stopped walking causing you to skid to a stop as well careful to maintain distance afraid of what would happen if you accidentally collided with him. You couldn't catch much of his expression but he seemed to be looking back and forth between the ground. Right and left his eyes darted until finally he looked up at the stars. He seemed like he was trying so hard to remember something.

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