Chapter 5 But Nobody Came

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(H/C) = Hair Color

Sun light poured through the blinds of the window, dusting neatly against the wooden floorboards of the room revealing the hidden dust particles that flew around making them seem as though they were sparkles amongst the quite air.

Days like this were normal, they started off so calm, but the storm that awaited them was just looming over head. Your body pulled its self out from under the covers stretching to feel the weight of the world back upon your shoulders. You'd of thought this was beautiful, that this was calm and wonderful. But, you knew better than that now. Day's were gray, never light or dark. Just, gray.

Swinging your legs over the sides of the bed you threw off the blanket and marched towards your bathroom to prepare for the long day. Being the eldest you meant you had more responsibility. You had to go find a job soon, as well as prepare for collage. Its all apart of being the eldest. You had to be responsible. For your family. But that didn't mean you were looking forward to it.

You jumped, only startled, hearing someone enter your room with out knocking, thanking your lucky stars that the bathroom door was locked as you brushed your hair. You knew it was only family, but that didn't mean you hadn't been startled!

"(Y/N)." Your father barked at first then seemed to calm down as he knocked on the bathroom door. He was always in a grumpy mood in the mornings before work, but when he returned home he was happy. (Despite the fact that it felt like your mother and father always directed their attention to your younger sibling.)

"Yeah?" You called from behind the door fixing your hair seeing your tired eyes, sunken in as if they've never known what sleep was, stare back at you.

"Glad you're up early, it's always good to set a good example for Chara. You make sure you find a job today okay? If you need help your mother can help you with your resume, and don't forget that you also need to find hours to suit being able to tutor Chara too." Your father huffed but he sounded calmer than when he had entered your room, with no signs of personal space respect but that's how he's always been. Not that you mind too much, your mother always makes sure he knows when to knock.

"Okay, I will." You muttered loud enough for him to hear as your hair brush combed through your (H/C) as you looked at your reflection once more, after momentarily looking away to the door.

"Good, hurry up and get breakfast before Chara leaves for school." He left after he shared that leaving you alone as you sighed, having a staring contest with your reflection.

You had a nice family, they were caring and they fed you gave you a roof over your head among other things. You knew they loved you that they always have, but Chara seemed more important to them. It felt as if they neglected you really. You knew they cared and all but Chara was clearly the favorite.

You wanted nothing more than to scream at them telling them that they don't ever listen to you or pay enough attention to see what they're doing to you. How much it hurts to know that they have a favorite when you try so hard for their approval. But you can't, you just can't. You sighed letting the hairbrush rest against the sink with a click looking back to your reflection.

I just wish they understood.

You sighed through your nose walking out the bathroom door to face the day head on. But the scene changed, rain pounded against the pavement as you ran through the streets. Your clothes sagging with the added weight against them as you found a crowd of people all huddled around a car wreck.

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