Chapter 14 A Dream like Encounter

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You hadn't expected this to go the way it had, but life was funny like that wasn't it? Throwing twists and turns at you making you into the person you are now and even going as far as to throw you into this situation. Though now you don't think you mind too much.

Error was different when he got comfortable, still narcissistic and really keen to talk about himself and what he's accomplished. But still different. He was funny too though his humor was a little strange. He seemed to like puns but they didn't always land right. That was the funniest part of them, the fact that they were so bad they just didn't land properly to even be considered a joke.

His normal laugh wasn't as scary as his evil one, but it still insanely glitched and it was hard to even consider it a laugh. He seemed to think he was so funny too especially when you caught yourself laughing at his "jokes". But again not because of the actual jokes just because of how bad they were.

Outertale was beautiful, and it was even nicer now that you had a friend by your side. You think you'll fondly remember this place. Though your mind always did loop back to Chara. They'd enjoy this place too, think it's fascinating.

"I'll be right back." Error's sudden voice brought you out of your thoughts of your sibling making you turn to look at him.

"Where are you going?" You gazed curiously at him, he glanced away seeming embarrassed suddenly.

"Don't ask too many questions, I'll right back." Error narrowly avoided answering you but before you could try and get at least one shard of information on where he was going he was just gone with a small little pop noise in his wake. Did he just..teleport?

Oddly that wasn't the craziest thing you've seen error for but still shocking you don't think you've ever seen him just teleport. Was that just a him thing or could all skeletons do that? You guessed it didn't matter too much. You comfortably sat on your knees against the oddly cool grass of Snowdin.

You're more comfortable now, gazing up at the starry sky for what felt like the 100th time. But you think you prefer staring at the endless night sky of this reality than the endless white of the anti void.

I wonder when error will be back.

You hummed a bit to your own thoughts playing with his scarf still wrapped around your neck.

"(Y/N)!" This voice was new. Frantic sounding almost but yet there was something familiar about it. You turned your head to look around, wondering where the voice had come from.

There it was again! Repeating your name with a sense of urgency. You stood up now peering up at the sky as if maybe the voice was coming from there. Are you going crazy? Oh maybe this is the cracking point you befriended your captor actually enjoyed his company for a while and now you're hearing voices! This was it wasn't it?

"Wow, you're so far away." The cheerful voice was at your side and you jumped in retaliation backing away to see another skeleton similar to how your sans looks except, well he was different too.

Wait, I've seen him before! Those knitted dolls in the anti void, I saw one that looked just like him.

You blinked to the thoughts as you adjusted to the bright yellows and blues that appeared upon the skeleton before you. He seemed almost regal, just like you thought back when you had seen his little doll.  With a gold band to act as a crown, you also noticed this time the button holding his cloak together and the latch on his belt said DS. You wonder what that meant. (Though you were too startled to even ask. Despite the fact you felt safer around him for some odd reason. It was like he emitted positive feelings.)

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