Chapter 13 Finally Friends

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It was beautiful. Absolutely breath taking. You've never seen anything like it and truthfully you were so happy error let you sight see. His scarf was now securely wrapped around your neck, keeping you comforted as you took in everything.

It's all so strange, and yet breathtaking all at once. You couldn't get over it. The monsters were all different too. Error was cautious on who you were okay to be seen by. Luckily for you from far away no one could really tell you weren't frisk. You couldn't talk to anyone due to being a human but you were still happy to sight see. The structures were like looking at a sci-fi movie in real life. But quaint despite their futuristic appearance.

This was supposed to be the underground of this world. Or well so error explained. He didn't seem much for conversation on the au other than saying that this was what was supposed to be what kept monsters trapped in your reality. (There was a lot of differences but error didn't care to explain further than he had.)

"Oh wow!" The sudden gasp that left you started error as you sped walked just a bit ahead of him.

"Hey, wait!" Error rushed after hastily glancing around anxiously to make sure neither of you were seen by any of the main variants before he caught up with you.

You two had wandered so far you'd both made it to what was supposed to be waterfall. This one was obviously different, but it some how drew you in enough to race ahead.

"Look at these plants!" You were now on your knees looking at what were supposed to be echo flowers.

"Please, those are everywhere." Error scoffed slightly crossing his arms, but his gaze somehow couldn't leave you. He's not sure why, but something about the way you're looking at them made him not want to look away.

"Well maybe for you," you sighed fingers dancing across the smooth petals, "but I've never seen anything like this before."

Was that a lie? Or was that the truth? In honesty you're not sure. CORE frisk was still engrained in your mind, their words echoing in your mind. You still wondered why they hadn't saved error. What made him the outcast? The thoughts still swirled but never were voiced as your fingers softly brushed against the petals of the odd looking flower. You sunk down a bit into the scarf wrapped securely around your neck a hum leaving your lips.

What's so different about you. Error just couldn't wrap his head around it. Every time he tried to think of why he was okay with you running around freely, or the fact he let you wear his scarf after you cried, his mind drew a blank. You really were different. How again he's not sure but there's something abnormal about you.

About your code.

Don't think he didn't notice it. He did, he just didn't care until this moment. The moment you felt sympathy for him. Maybe he was curious because now he was seeing more of who you really were as a person. He gathered you cared a lot for those anomalies. That wasn't a hard leap. But you seemed so quite, only asked questions when you felt the silence was a bit to unbearable and then when he gave a cue he didn't want to talk you left him be.

Seeing you cry was something different, seeing you smiling was better, you were so genuinely intrigued with it all. With life. What was it like? To see the world through your eyes? Error couldn't help but wonder, and now looked back to the main curiosity of your code.

By now most who stay with him get a bit corrupted. Not in a bad way just that their code starts getting rejected unless they were a variant of sans. Or a special case. (Like you.)

Error wasn't sure what to say about it all. He knew in the end despite your pointless struggling he'd destroy your Au. That or ink would do something so catastrophically stupid that it would cause the destruction of many au's all for the sake of this stupid game.

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