Chapter 16 The Calm Before The Storm

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What is this feeling? This floating feeling? You felt, safe you guessed. Like floating on clouds away from the world below in a comfort, warmed by the rays of the sun. Yes, yes you think you'll associate this feeling with safety.

Such warmth, you don't want to leave the feeling. It was as if being wrapped in a blanket waking up all on your own in the middle of a cold winter day. Warm and content and unwilling to move.

You're not sure how long it's been now since you wanted to be Error's friend, but it's been long enough now. Long enough for you to realize he's not as bad as he seems. Maybe it's been a day, though you're not so sure. Time feels like an obscure concept now. Like here it's not real. You felt content regardless. Knowing that Dream relayed your message back to Chara. To your friends. They knew how you were now. And that well, error wasn't so bad.

It was rather funny really. He had quite a personality you didn't even imagine from him till the two of you had gotten comfortable enough with each other. Ah the memories you made, thinking about it your mind wandered to the time you found out he slept on a cardboard box. At the time you instantly gasped. You felt bad for him and the look he gave you said not to be. (Maybe he was also embarrassed.)

"I LIKE IT!" He shouted out to you shrilly at the time, as if embarrassed. That didn't stop your sympathetic gaze. He just threw a fit from there about not needing to worry for him and he likes his box and doesn't want your pity. As usual.

Things were better now. You had some place to sleep and spending the day with error wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be. He went through the effort to make you comfortable and you tried your best in return to be there when he asked. It's funny how the two of you clicked. Though you never imagined you would befriend him, much less so easily.

Error was...error. There was no easy way to describe him. He was almost like a stubborn child at times, and others he was loud and obnoxious. It was clear he thought he was the funniest person in the multiverse. He was stubborn, but he was nice in his own weird way.

It wasn't that bad being with him. He tried his best really to make you comfortable. It's just, you miss your home. And that was something that you couldn't deny no matter how hard you tried to. Even if error was bringing you to such wonderful Au's that were just so....beautiful. He was at least trying to let you have some taste of freedom. (But without you actually being free.) You still missed your family, your friends.

Don't think he didn't notice. Error did. He just was too stubborn to admit he was disappointed. You were okay company he guessed. You were entertaining and he didn't mind the companionship. You respected his boundaries though whether that's just how you were as a person or were doing it because he's still your captor he didn't know, what he did know though is you kept your space.

He liked that, not having to worry about you suddenly touching him. He hated touch. But he found he didn't mind you what he considered too close. Though to most people that was just normal distance or maybe just a smidge closer than that. It would be a lie to say that the thought of returning you to your home AU hadn't crossed his mind once or twice. But he kept telling himself he couldn't not when he had to win.

Yeah that was the excuse, he had to beat ink at his own little game. Not that error just really hated to see you go. To leave him all alone again, bitter at the universe. Maybe he was being selfish, but he didn't care enough to address that. He didn't care enough to even entertain the thought that the real reason he wanted you to stay here and be so comfortable was because he liked your company more than he should.

It was quite as of right now, neither of you knowing a thing the other was thinking. But isn't it better that way? To sit in silence just close to the other? Error was crocheting, eyeing you all the while as you read a book that had been picked up from another AU. (It's not like you got phone service out here and besides your phone broke those few times you had been tossed about.)

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