Chapter 2 Error

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He was a crude arrogant sort of man, but that's how he liked it. The world not meeting his needs and suffering the consequences of it. Worlds tore themselves apart for him, just beneath his finger tips which wielded only one sheer weapon; strings. They danced in the wind and, when caught in the eyes of poor souls who had the misfortune to encounter him, meant death.

But isn't that how he liked it? To him this was his way of liberating anomalies, as he so crudely calls them, from their lonely lives in the vast multiverse. But it wasn't his place to make decisions no matter how strongly he felt about it.

To him, he's the hero, getting rid of the glitches he sees fit, desiring nothing more than the sweet destruction of life before him. Worlds folding in on themselves and becoming anti-voids beneath his feet. But like Yin and Yang one couldn't have this unlawful destruction with out relentless creation.

Worlds were caught in battles, some say it's good vs evil. Some say it's just balance the universes seeing fit to keep an order to things so that there's no surplus of just one entity. But really it was more of a constant tug of war, in which what was labeled as "good" always won.

Good, that's what they called his rival. Evil is what they call him. But was he really all that bad? Was he really the villain in this story? In thousands of stories before his was told?

He's the hero in his story. The hero, a bitter sweet title that only could hold if others see you the same. No one being takes the time to think, that maybe just maybe he suffering. That maybe, he wants to keep these other worlds from feeling the pain that was nothing but a painful distant memory he was desperately trying to keep.

That just by some very slim, off chance, he was the victim not the villain anomalies so disgustingly called to spit at him.

Don't they see he's trying to help? In his own twisted way the line between good and evil to him was blurred. The concept of good and evil are in the hands of individuals. Not everyone sees what another person sees as good, as "good" just as it is for evil. To him this was his good, and that no good low life who insist he's the hero was his evil.

Eventually life runs its course, and death is the barer of bad news even if death isn't the monster people, no anomalies glitches, make it out to be. Death was gentle, but was a cold truth no one wants to face, life was the sweet lie everyone enjoys having in their life.

Which means that eventually "good" comes to an end. So that made him the bad guy? That made him the horrible beast that wanted nothing more than the destruction of every world in the multiverse, who had no feelings? At least he had feelings, at least he could feel things like anger and sadness and regret. Good emotions were rare to come by, but at least he could feel. Unlike his rival who insist he's the multiverses protector with his damn paint brush and annoying vials.

To him letting these precious alternate universes, or as some call them in short AUs, crumble away into dust was a mercy. He was sparing them from future suffering from future pain because of years he had spent suffering himself. But that made him the bad guy, that made others see him as an object to be feared. They never once think that maybe, he had feelings too. And never once stop to think that maybe their so called protector was worse than he ever let on.

That was the ignorance of every being in ever universe, thinking those who protect them are good and those who are trying to do "good" are bad. Of course there's always some one who ruins things, who really is the bad guy who really should be seen as the villain to a woven tale. But he wasn't like that, he knew what mercy was and he was using his mercy to spare these poor unfortunate anomalies he's so bitterly come to despise.

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