Chapter 1 The Lost and The Found

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Key: (Y/N) = Your Name

Alone. What was the definition of that word? The solitude that followed it, and the pain that laid in its wake, nothing more painful to be alone after having friends and family. Than to never have them in the first place and to be alone.

Fear. What about that word? What semblance did it have for you? It was simple really. Though do you really want to venture down that route?

Do you wish to see a peek into one of many realities?

That being said, out of the multiverse this universe was simple. An echo of preexisting universes, that was calmer than the rest. Despite that all fear and loneliness were a constant, and no matter how hard you'd try to escape its clutches it would always snag you in the end.

The world would spin, and continue to spin whether everyone was happy or not. Life moved on. And if you did with it or not was up to you.


Fear was the worst emotion of all right above the loneliness.

Fear, was what you felt that night.

Your feet pounded against the wet pavement. Chara, your sibling, hadn't come home. You had searched the whole town for them. Yet nothing. You called the police yet there was nothing they could do despite your pleas. It had to be 48 hours before they finally went looking.

Frustrated with them you went looking for your sibling yourself. Two weeks you looked and that fear sprouted inside you like a seed in soil. Becoming a tree of anxiety.

You'd lay awake at night after looking, tossing and turning. What if's plaguing your head.

What if they've been kidnapped?

What if they're dead?

What if they died alone?


That's what you were. Alone in these moments. No one left to call family. Not after the accident. It was just you and chara. Now it was just you.

Those nights you'd clutch the blanket tight to your body. Hoping for comfort but receiving none. After all there's only so much comfort someone can get while being alone.

Despite it all, you were undeterred still. The police, while they did try to help, were useless. After the first week passed they told you that there was only so much they could do. That if anything changed they'd alert you.

They're useless.

Or so you reasoned. The best way to get something done is to do it yourself. To keep doing it yourself. So you did. You never quite stopped looking. But even you were starting to loose hope.

Hope was such a fragile thing. And yet it was the most powerful thing of all. You tried to hard to hold onto that hope. Hold it tight and never let go. Every night it was always the same. The longing for comfort the desire to be reunited with your sibling. The only thought in your mind that soothed you was the same;

Tomorrow's another day.

And like always that thought filled you with determination.

Determination to find your sibling. Determination to not give up. Because you'll find them. You know you will.

Though the strangest thing happened in the second week of your sibling missing.

As always, you got up to get ready for work. While you wanted to spend most your time looking for chara you had bills to pay. So you worked in the day and looked at night.

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