Chapter 6 Ink

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You'd think being protector of the multiverse would mean you wouldn't get lonely. That people flock to you like birds seeing a worm. But unfortunately it's never the way it seems. It was lonely, and overwhelming. Struggling to maintain a balance that truly never was.

Creators lost interest in their projects that he had inspired them with, finding them to be either unworthy of anyone's time or not enough.

It's already been done.

No one really likes my Au.

Why bother any more?

Most creators thought the same thing, and while they were still constantly in a battle to be re-inspired it never worked for some. Ink didn't fear a lot, even if he had the vial for the emotion he didn't have very much to fear really. But he feared being forgotten, that the world would cease to remember he exists and never hear him call out.

He craves the attention, to have others remember him even if one day that could be in a bad way and they'd all resent him. He's afraid of being alone. Though really, he's always been lonely.

A breath escapes his teeth as he stares up at the sky of the original universe, breathing in a pacifist time line where monsters were now on the surface enjoying life. He enjoyed seeing the blues that painted the sky, with the cream white clouds that occasionally drifted by. It was nice to just sit and breath even though he should be doing his normal rounds in the doodlesphere. Or maybe checking up and seeing what Error was up to.

Even if Error didn't like him, ink always sort of found some interest in him. He's different, that was one way to put it, maybe unique was better. But they were enemies, creation and destruction; Yin and Yang. Error's intense hate for him was amusing, he always got so easily agitated even if he wanted to ask a simple question.

Lately it's been difficult, creating new Au's and watching them thrive and become full of life, he's resorted to trying to create hand written stories rather than drawings. But he fears that may not work out so well for him, he's not exactly a writer and he wasn't sure what to suggest sometimes. Day by day he was loosing Au's and not because they were being destroyed by Error but because creators decided it was what was best. Which wasn't true. One day, all the multiverses would die out leaving only the original as a sweet memory.

"Ink!" A shrill and panic voice called and ink sat up off the deep green grass that rustled with the wind looking around frantically wondering if he was just hearing things. Huffing he readjusted his paintbrush on his back, which was named broomie, before attempting to lay down once more.


The voice shouted again and this time ink, didn't attempt to lay down, sitting up right fully looked around bewildered. Where is that coming from?

"Ink!" The voice drew out his name as the keeper of it suddenly crashed into his side making ink topple over with a gasped and shocked whoa!

He quickly stood up helping who ever it was who ran into him only to see a familiar face.

"Dream?" Ink smiled amused but confusion was in his eyes, sure ink was the protector of the Au's and a master of creation. But he's rather dense when he wants to be.

"I'm so glad I found you! It's blue! His Au!" Dream was talking a bit fast his words jumbling together as he frantically looks up at ink.

"I've never seen him so upset!"

Ink blinked once, then twice, then three times until the sentences seemed to, finally,click in his head.

"Wait..." ink paused.

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