Chapter 8 The Guilt of The Fallen

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Beaten, pushed around, bruised. Ink fell through the access point not bothering to know just which Au he had fallen into. He didn't bother trying to stop his fall through the trees as the branches tried to slow the decent for him. But they weren't succeeding as intended, branches tearing his clothes as they bent to his weight all while he fell.

He failed, ink had...failed. He's never failed before. It was almost as if he had meant to fail just to come back later. Yet that didn't mean it didn't hurt. He laid there now on the grassy floor, feeling a gentle wind blow past him as he laid. His eyes closed for a moment uncaring if his vials were cracked in the slightest.

He felt guilty. The look in your eyes when you both had finally caught the others gaze. You were scared, upset, lost. The person you relied on to rescue you and he gets beaten to a pulp for the first time in, well probably, forever.

Finally ink began to move coughing into his hand at the impacts he's taken only to get a view of his surroundings. Well he's in a pacifist route that's for sure. He's on the surface but where and when and such he wasn't sure. He had intended for underswap but when it's the surface and not the underground it's difficult to tell where is where at times.

What's blue gonna think? Or dream?

Ink heaved a sigh as he slowly rose to his feet at the thought. Feeling his legs wobbling from beneath him. He's so beaten he can't even stand. He's surprised really, error's thrown him around like that before and it hadn't hurt as badly. So why was it hurting so much now? Regardless the pain was there and ever so persistent.

Is this what it normally feels like?

The thought entered into his mind as he leaned his heavy weight against a spare tree. To be beaten in such a way, he was certain Error was getting a kick from all this. Too pleased with himself for defeating ink, even if it was one small victory and not the whole war.

He's probably gloating.

Ink rolled his eyes at the thought beginning at last to check himself for any real damage. Nothings cracked or broken at the very least. But he's sore as if he had just been thrown to and from for hours on end.

In a sense he had been thrown about, but nothing too extreme, and certainly nothing he's not used to. This loss, was weighing heavily upon ink. To think he had to go back to poor blue empty handed.

Ink wobbled until at last gaining his footing, being able to stand on his own after what felt like forever. Slowly he whipped out broomie staring at his beloved paintbrush with a sense of dread.

He wasn't looking forward to visiting blue at the moment. Knowing the poor guy was going to be heart broken hearing that his new human friend wouldn't be returning to his Au any time soon. This was far more serious than ink had ever anticipated. He needed to plan his next strike, not dive in head first. Certainly quite the wake up call.

After so many years, diving into a situation head first and thinking of a plan later had never been a problem. But now, after that encounter, there was a problem. A big problem.

His hand rested against his rib cage, trying to ease the sharp pain that was still persisting in hurting him. His eyes looked to the sky, catching glimpses of reds and yellows and oranges paint the sky with a soft glow. The sun was going down, or was it coming up? Ink couldn't really tell.

"Well first order of business is to find out where I am!" Ink nodded his head, speaking aloud to himself and only himself. But it was a habit he was well used to. (It got lonely in the doodle sphere.)

His eyes looked around surveying the surroundings, trying his best ink searched for any sign of town. The suns setting, or rising, rays of light hit something that glimmered in the distance revealing that it must be the windows of a tall building. Deciding that was the way to go, ink began his walk. Limping slightly all the way.

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