Chapter 11 Change

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To think, not that long ago, error had scared you. Beaten ink, thrown him about in such animalistic ways. With true intentions of hurting him. But now? He was calmly sitting close to your side munching on chocolate and staring out at the endless sky.

He was like a light switch, off and on constantly. But you don't think you're as scared anymore. Not like when he had lost it for a moment after ink vanished. You guessed he was keeping you around for the sake of waiting for ink but he wasn't being mean now. Not like he has been at least.

The silence was welcomed as you both munched on your chocolate together, it's so beautiful here you wished you could walk around. You wanted to walk around and see the differences this Ah had over your home. Plus, if you remembered what CORE frisk told you your code would corrupt slower here than back in the anti void.

You looked at error in silence, not bothering to ask for permission as you gazed intently at him wondering what was going on inside his head. He seemed lost in thought about something as he gazed at the twinkling stars.

"Stop staring, its creepy." His sudden words brought you back to reality making you jump. Ah he did have a point. You looked away at your chocolate, which was almost all gone by now, not uttering a word.

The silence continued and the wind swept past the two of you again adding more to the silence. Should you ask? You feel like you'd be pushing it if you did considering he did just open up to you slightly and got you chocolate.

"Error?" His name easily rolled off your tongue. But he seemed displeased you spoke looking at you now.
"Could I look around this au?"

Your question caught him off guard. Maybe it's because it was a brave one he wasn't expecting. He turned to fully look at you legs dangling over the cliff.

"What?" His tone was harsh as he put emphasis on the word. He couldn't believe you asked such a question. Asking him if you could look around? What did you think he was stupid? No you didn't but he could think of many ways this goes wrong. Still...

"I've just, never seen anywhere like this. I just thought maybe I could look around." You stared wistfully up at the sky. Maybe you were being selfish for it, or pushing your luck. But you wanted to stay here for a moment longer. If you were going to be stuck in the anti void for who knows how long until he got spontaneous like he was today then you wanted to at least enjoy this small taste of freedom.

All error did was stare at you. He didn't say anything to your explanation in favor of just gazing intensely. Almost like he was trying to find some darker purpose to your words. Darker meaning to what you really meant. After some time he found there wasn't any.

"There's not ever much to see in these places," error huffed looking away, "it's just the same thing but in different font. Why do you want to look around so badly? Don't you see the night sky up on the surface every night anyway?"

He didn't yell at you, you guessed that was a start of some kind. You didn't mind his cold tone favoring that much more over his shouting. He seemed reluctant to give into your request. You were his hostage after all you should have guessed he wasn't going to give you permission.

"I guess you're right," your gaze lingered still on the stars, "but it's still new to me. I don't know I guess I just wonder what other Au's do compared to what goes on in mine."

Then silence again. You wondered if he liked the silence or if he was too lost in thought to even properly say yes or no to you. You didn't really care now. What did it matter? You'd relish this for as long as you could then before being forced back into the endless white anti void.

"Why aren't you...scared of me?"

What? Did you hear error correctly? His voice seemed quite and his question was sincere. Why aren't you scared of him? Well you were and yet you weren't. It was difficult to describe. Actually you weren't just scared of him you were terrified. But somehow in this moment he wasn't so scary. It was like he was being well more himself than before.

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