Chapter 19 Into The Darkness

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The world felt far away. Almost as if you were staring at it from behind a screen. Gazing at the flashing lights and colors like watching a tv show. You felt isolated. Despite being in a room full of people, despite being with someone these last few days, you felt alone.

But why? You should be happy. Happy to be back with your family. To be home and seeing your sibling, sans, papyrus, everyone, all happy and safe because of your actions. You were freed, now back where you belong.

No more strange dreams of the underground, or that eyeless child warning you of some impending danger of remaining in the anti void-as error called it- you were safe. But that didn't stop the sensation of loneliness.

It was like darkness crawling towards the light. Lingering on the outskirts waiting until the flame from the candle dwindled before settling its self in to every corner of your heart.

You laid back on the couch, staring mindlessly up at the ceiling. Chara sat not to far away, entertained with the tv in the skeleton brothers home. You felt...empty.

Like being away from error had ripped this bug gaping hole in your chest. But that can't be. He kidnapped you. He was going to destroy your home. Your friends. Your family.

"You asked me why I destroy au's a while ago." His voice rang in your head.
"This might be hard for you to believe, but I don't actually enjoy the suffering of those worlds. I just want to set them free."

I just want to set them free.

The sentence looped like a broken record in your mind as you watched the imprint on the ceiling begin to take shape the longer you stared. You hated to admit it, but somehow, he wormed his way into your heart.

Not romantically of course, no no, but he was your friend now. At least you liked to think so. It was true, he wasn't as bad as he seemed. He let you go after all. He didn't need you, and he was using you for bait, but he kept his promise. He didn't destroy your home.

You still wondered about his motives. They didn't make sense, after all what was he setting these worlds these universes free from? But regardless he wasn't as bad as he seemed.

It empty with out him.

In a strange way you felt as though you understood him. Isolated from everyone. The outcast. But you're not really, though you can't help but feel that way.

Here time seems cruel. Now you were unused to it, it felt foreign. When you had come home you didn't expect to be gone for so long.

"Here she is! As promise!" Ink had said, swiftly after his return. (Just moments after you had been embraced by everyone.) They told you just how long you had been away. But it couldn't have been that long? It only felt like a few days, yet somehow here time moved on quickly. Ink left and then things were exactly how they were left.

Time felt as though it moved in a blink of an eye. You'd mindlessly eat breakfast blink and just as soon as you woke up you were now tucking chara back into bed for the night at home. You felt detached, as though you had no real grip on this world anymore. But that was an impossible thought you're here, experiencing it.

Though sometimes you suspect you're not. So far away and lost in your thoughts that there's a vague noise of static in the distance. The first time you heard it, you thought it was error paying you a visit.

But it was nothing more than a white noise. You hear it sometimes when you're alone. Just a buzzing sound. Like someone trying to change the frequency on a radio station to tune into something else. Maybe it was your mind trying to cope with the events you had gone through.

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