2. Its that bitch

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When Rose-Marie woke up this morning, she noticed that Billy was already gone and she had 40 minutes to get ready to school

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When Rose-Marie woke up this morning, she noticed that Billy was already gone and she had 40 minutes to get ready to school. So she hopped out of bed, grabbed an outfit for the warm weather that today will bring, and took a shower. Her outfit consist of a light blue t-shirt, that hung on her shoulders, a dark pair of jeans, and her hair parted to her right side.

Afterwards she walked down the stairs to see that her parents had already left for work and that they had set her meds out with a glade of water.

As usual, she didn't take it and just washed it down the sink and took a sip out of the glass, before that too was washed down. She grabbed her  house keys and book bag and headed out.

When she got to school, she noticed that the parking lot was full of news-vans and cop cars. Rose let a ghost of a smirk cover her face before she covered it up with her usual clueless, innocent look.
She looked around and saw Sidney walking around so she ran over to her.

"When two young teenagers were found brutally murdered.now police have yet to let out a statement, but our sources have told us that no arrest has been made" Gale from Top Story spoke.

"Damn,it's that Bitch" she whispered to herself as she saw Gale. Rose never liked That Damn news lady. She just had to Believe that Cotton Weary wasn't actually the killer. It pissed the young girl off. She work hard into making the plan of letting Billy was getting his Revenge, and Gale was fucking it up!

She rolled her eyes before she put back on her innocent face and tapped Sidney and ,now Tatum, on their shoulders.

"Hey guys" Rose let a childish grin cover her face before letting it slowly fade, "what happened?"

Tatum and Sidney both looked at each other, neither wanted to spill the news to the towns sweetest teenager. Sidney raised her eyebrows at Tatum, as a way of saying 'you tell her'. Tatum rolled her eyes before looking back at Rose.

"You don't know?" She questioned as the started walking around "Casey Becker and Steve Orth were murdered last night."

Rose gave a wide eye side glance at Sidney before looking at Tatum as she finished talking.

"And we ain't just talking killed, we're talkin 'horror movie' killed, ripped open" Tatum looked over to Rose to make sure she didn't say to much to break her, but the young girl was too busy looking around to see if she could spot Billy.

They continued walking together to the school. As Tatum told them that the police were interrogating the entire school, Rose had finally spotted Billy leaning against the railing at the entrance of the school. She turned and cut the girls off

"I'm sorry to interrupt Sid, but do you care if I talk to you both later? I need to see Billy for a minute" as she spoke, she let fake tears make their way into her eyes so it looked like she was about to loose it.

Sidney and Tatum both knew, well what The couple had them believe, was that Billy was like a comfort blanket for Rose. Whenever something went wrong, it was Billy who had been by her side since the beginning, well it was true to a certain point. But after while, it was just their cover up to discuss things without the others trying to get involved.

Less than a week after Rose stopped taking her medication

The group of friends were looking for Rose all day in their classes. They were worried about where the young girl had gone to.

The one who was Worried the most was Billy, he had just started to get the girl to quit taking the Anti-psychotics for their plan. He didn't know what was going through the girls head at the moment, but for the first time in his life he was worried.

The teenagers walked around the whole school around lunch and couldn't fine anything so the decided to split up. Sidney was with Tatum, Stu was with Randy, and Billy had decided to go by himself.

Billy ended up near the water fountain. He was walking towards it, and that was when he found a small pile on the ground by the fountain.  He squinted his eyes and saw that it was Rose

He rushed over and pulled her onto his lap.
"Hey, hey! Rosie? Are you okay?" He fanatically asked.

"The voices" whimpering, she buried her face  into his neck. "They won't stop Billy."

He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her her head, pulling her farther into him
"Make them stop Billy please!" She whined.

People started to look over at the duo, worried about the towns little 'angel'

"It's okay it's okay." He shushed her, "tell me what they want my little Rose, let it out." The softly brushed her hair down her back.

"Th-they want me to hurt someone" she whispered into his ears.

"And that's a bad thing?"

"It is if the person they want me to hurt is you"she cried.

"What if we tell the voices that I'm like you?" He asked, in a whisper to keep others from hearing, as he pulled her face from his neck and into his hands. "Huh? Tell them that I want to hurt people just like they do ?"

Rose stayed quite as she talked it out with them. About a few seconds later she finally looked into his eyes and let a tiny smile adore her face.

"They agree" she laughed out as she wrapped him into a tight hug. Billy let out a small chuckle, glade he had her on his side.

If the others saw how fast her mood switch, they'd call her crazy, but Billy didn't care. He knew that's just how her mind worked when you got a lot of different things going on at once.

When he looked up, he noticed that the rest of the group finally caught up with them. He brought his lips to ear and whispered "they're watching, my little Rose"

She slowly lifted her head and looked over at the group as she whispered back "let them, it'll be part of the plan my love"

She looked back up at him, "innocent little Rose-Marie, had a nightmare and needed comforted." She fake pouted

Billy smirked at her "ah that's my girl" he wrapped her back up into his arms and he put on an innocent look as she started to make it look like she was still upset.

•I hope you liked this chapter, it might not be really good but I think it's alright,

Lemme know how it turned out!

Burns_426 signing off•

🌹 His Little Rose🥀 , A Story about a killer who fell in-love Where stories live. Discover now