4. Oh Honey

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"Remember,"the intercom called out, "your principal loves you and I want you to be safe, all students must return to their homes promptly after school

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"Remember,"the intercom called out, "your principal loves you and I want you to be safe, all students must return to their homes promptly after school."

"They had to have asked you something" Tatum stated to Sidney.

"Well they asked me if I knew Casey" she responded quietly.

They were sitting on the edge of the water fountain. Billy, Rose, Sidney, Stu, Tatum and Randy. Tatum had quickly sat between her boyfriends legs while Sidney had to sit between her and Rose, since Rose had taken Sidney's usual seat by Billy.

Rose soon moved and was now sitting in between Billy's legs as he was laying across the fountain, picking little petals off the flowers beside him. Tatum had pulled out a bag of grapes. After she pulled them out she reached back into her backpack, then reached over Sidney and gave Rose a small bag of Sour Patch Kids. Rose gave the girl a big smile as she popped one into her mouth before turned and leaning over Billy, and setting one into his open mouth. Sidney watched as she did this but quickly turned away.

Sidney didn't think it was unusual, She knew that Rose was upset and needed Billy, but she was jealous about the fact that Rose was so comfortable with her boyfriend. He was dating Sidney, not Rose. Yet here they were, sitting like a couple while Sidney was by her self.

As the group chatted for a little bit, Randy, the final member, made his way to the other side of Stu.

As the group Stu put on a thinking face as he looked around Sidney and Rose-Marie, "Hey, did they ask you if you liked to hunt?" He looked towards the brunette boy, whose legs were around Rose.

"Yea, they did," he answered before he questioned back, "they ask you?"

The Tall boy just nodded in response.

"Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Tatum looked at her boyfriend as she fed him another grape.

"Because, Their bodies were gutted " Randy barged his way into the conversation.

Billy sat up a little bit, Rose turned and offered him another Sour Patch Kid. He brought his mouth down and took it from her hand. When he was certain no one was looking, he playfully bit her hand. Rose quietly laughed as she turned to lean against him more. Billy didn't mind whatsoever.

He then remembered why he sat up in the first place and looked over towards Randy and uttered sarcastically, "Thank you, Randy"

Randy just looked over as he continued to eat the the sunflower seeds from his hand.

Tatum looked towards the sky as she declared, "they didn't ask me if i liked to hunt"

"Yea, cause there's no way a girl could've done it" her boyfriend indicated. She turned to look at him, "That's so sexist," she rolled her eyes, "the killer could've easily be a female. Basic Instinct"

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