The Beginning

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"We all go a little mad sometime"

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"We all go a little mad sometime"

Hold on, let's start at the beginning
This is a story about how I fell for the Woodsboro, California, killer. And how he changed my life for the better

It had all started about three years ago when I moved here.
When I got here I was told by my parents that we needed a fresh start. What that really meant was that they didn't want to be known for having a daughter with psychotic behavior.

Since I was a kid I always fell in love with horror movies. The blood, the gore, the guts..
Until I started to want to see it in real life. When I was 10, I killed my neighbors cat and left it's guts all around their yard and it's heart in a box on the doorstep.

I had walked into my house covered in blood and saw my parents looking at me with frightful expressions.

They started taking me to a specialist where I was prescribed Anti-Psychotics to take everyday at lunch, and before I went to sleep.

At the age of 14, my parents couldn't deal with receiving all the glares and side glances when they went somewhere, so we packed up and moved halfway across the United States.

After I got here I was told that I couldn't let anyone find out about my 'problem' so my mom came up with the idea to just say that I have ADHD and take 'Adderall' to focus. Thing is, I actually did have ADHD, just couldn't miss different meds . Jumbled my brain to not think of what I actually wanted to do anymore.

I pretended to be the innocent girl like they told me and made friends along the way.

I met Sydney, what a bitch, she was the first person to introduce me to the school and show me around. Told me about her friends and we all started to hang out. They were Tatum, Randy, and Stu. Stu had a girlfriend at the time named Casey, which apparently was a shocking to the group of friends since they say he was a player.

But most of all, There was Billy Loomis. God just his name alone could send shivers down a girls spine. He was the schools Bad boy, hadn't stayed with one girl for long, trouble maker...
Though when I looked into his eyes, I could see the mischief built underneath just like mine.
Maybe that's why I liked him at the time. Found someone else hiding who they are.

One day the group had started to question where I was everyday after lunch and I had to tell them 'the truth' that I had to go take Adderall to focus for the rest of the day.
But Billy, he never looked like he believed me, always gave me that look that said liar.

...he was the first to actually find out that it wasn't what I actually took....
He understood me and cared

A year after I moved here, his mom left. he told me what actually happened. That bitch Sydney. Her mom hooked up with Billy's dad and cheated on Billy's mom. So she left him alone with his father.

So Billy and his Best friend Stu came up with A plan to get rid of the home wrecker and wanted me involved...

    Billy had come to my house and watched a scary movie with me when he decided to spill the plan

(flash Back)
We were in the middle of watching Halloween when Billy paused the movie.

I looked over at him with a smirk on me face
"What? Cant handle it?" I taunted

He shook his head with a small smile on his face "no, no I can handle it. I just needed to talk to you"

I sat up on my bed and sat crisscross applesauce from him with my elbows on my knees. His face dropped into a serious expression as he sat up on the bed with his leg bent and arm resting on it. Looking at the wall behind my tv
"Billy Boy? what's the matter?"
(That was always my nickname for him since I met him. He thought that he could flirt with me and get me all flustered, but I had looked at him with a smirk and whispered in his ear "if your gonna call me 'Your Little Rose' it better be in the bed with you on top of me Billy Boy, rocking my world" he had looked at me with a shocked expression because I didn't react the way he thought I would. But back on topic)

He gave me a side eye and huffed out a breath
"I need a favor"
"Okay... and?"
He turned his upper body to looked at me and he spoke again "and this favor might just fuck some things in your life up"

I looked away from his eyes as I thought for a moment.

If this could potentially ruin every thing my parents set up.... then HELL ya

"What is it?"

"I need you to help me take care of someone"

I turned back to look at him and saw a crazed look in his eyes that made butterflies fill my stomach. I knew from that look, he meant to kill someone.

" okay, I'll help"

The expression on his faces showed that he couldn't believe what I just said. But he understands I'd do anything for him, and to also be able to be myself again.

"Really? That easily?" He Rose an eyebrow up at me.

I laughed at his faces and put my hand on his cheek "Billy, I'll do anything for you" I whispered to him

His face slowly got closer to mine as he spoke again "if this happens, I need you to be the real you. No more meds, I wanna see who my girl really is"

"Your girl huh?" I smirked as our faces got closer together.

"Yes. Your mine, and mine alone" his eyes sparkled with possessiveness that would've  made my knees buckle if I wasn't sitting down.

"Come on Little Rose, we both know you want to" He Taunted me with mischief and lust in his eyes as he looked down at my lips.

"Well then," I breathed out " Better be ready for some Mayhem" and with that I crashed my lips onto his as he grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap and made out with me. I rolled my hips into his growing bulge and he groaned. Billy flipped us over as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he grounded his hips down onto mine making us both moan....

And that's when the fun had begun

•yes I know, I know I'm a cockblock, but there will me some mature scenes ahead in the future I promise!

Till then burns_426 signing off•

🌹 His Little Rose🥀 , A Story about a killer who fell in-love Where stories live. Discover now