Thanks Sidney..

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Rose woke up to the sound of her house phone ringing

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Rose woke up to the sound of her house phone ringing. She tried to go back to sleep by just rolling over when the phone finally stopped, but it seems that life had other plans since it started up again. With a groan, she finally reached over to the phone on the hook that was beside her bed.

"Hello" she mumbled into the phone.  She heard the sound of rustling on the other side.


At hearing him on the line, Roses brain finally caught up to what was happening. It was billy, he was in jail.

Just like they planned.

"Billy?" She played along, they knew that these calls are recorded, they couldn't risk saying something wrong. "What's wrong?"

"Don't freak out okay? Promise me you won't freak out." To anyone in the jail with Billy, they could hear the desperation in his voice as he begged. "I got arrested"

"What?" Rose had finny sat up. She was heading to her closet to get changed into her pajamas since she slept in her school clothes. "What do you mean you got arrested billy!"

Billy sighed, leaning his head against the wall in front of the phone, "when I left your house to go home after my dad called me, I went to go check on Sidney first, she seemed upset at the fountain, I wanted to make sure she was fine. But her door was locked and I heard screaming. So me being me, I climbed through her window. She said I got there right when the killer left." He shook his head "my mobile phone slipped outta my pocket Rosie, she thought that I called her."

"That doesn't make any sense billy." He could hear the waver in her voice, he could tell she was going to break down soon.

"Hey Loomis! You call time is up! Wrap it up now" he heard the sheriff yell towards him and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I gotta get of here little rose, I'll talk to you soon okay?" He spoke to her with a small voice, trying to seem as though he was reassuring the poor girl.

"Okay,night billy.." rose mumbled into the phone. "Night Rosie"

Billy hung up the phone and walked over to meet the sheriff and wait for his father to show up.  He heard Dewey talking to Sidney about getting in contact with her father. He struggled to keep a smirk of his face at the thought. They wasn't gonna be able to get in contact with the fat fucker, he thought to himself. When his father finally shows up, they head into the sheriffs office, which just so happens to be right in front of where Sidney is seated.

"Did you find him?" Sidney questioned as she kept staring into the empty space in front of her. Dewey lowered his fingers from the key board in front of his computer,
"You sure it was the Hilton?"
Sidney nods her head with tears in her eyes, "yea uh, at the airport."
Dewey just shakes his head as he looks back at his computer, "he's not registered there. Could he have stayed anywhere else Sid?"

The traumatized girl rubs her head, starting to feel a headache coming on. "I don't know." She sniffles, "I guess"

Dewey looks at the girl with sympathy in his eyes. He wants to help his sister best friend, but he can't even find her dad. "Don't worry Sid, we'll find him." Before he can finish, another officer comes by and drops some papers off on his desk. He grabs the papers and starts to get up, "I'll be right back" he tells her before he leaves. Sidney rubs her face again before looking towards her right.

When she does this, she locks eyes with the man she is convinced was in her house trying to kill her. Her boyfriend, Billy.

Billy maintains the eye contact until the sheriff addresses him, "let me ask you this," billy looks over at his father as the sheriff circles them, "what are you doing with a cellular phone boy?"

"Everybody's got one sheriff" he responds, "I didn't make those calls, I swear." He lefts put a small chuckle of disbelief in between his sentences.

"Why don't you check the phone bill for Christ sake!" He looks over at his father. The man is obviously furious about being here. Looking at his outfit, you can tell he had just left work, only to get a call about his son being arrested for the murders going on. "Call Vital Phone Comp, they got the records of every numbered dialed."

The sheriff proceeds to shake his head at the answer, "well thanks hank, we're on top of it," he states sarcastically before returning his view onto billy , "now what where you doing over at Sidney's house.?"

Billy shakes his head, looking up towards where the sheriff is sat at his desk, "I wanted to Make sure she was alright, that's all."

"And last night?" Billy has to keep himself from rolling his eyes, of course she says something about that. "Sidney said you crawled through her window last night too."

"You went there last night? I thought you were heading to Roses house?" His father interrupts before he can answer with his eyebrows furrowed at the new information.

"Rose who?" The sheriff demands.

Billy sighs, great he thinks now there gonna drag Rose into this mess and she's gonna kill me for ruining more of her sleep. Thanks Sidney
"Rose-Marie King, Sheriff. Her parents allow me to stay over there sometimes when her anxiety gets to bad."

"Well why we're you at Sidney's if you were supposed to be there?"  The sheriff stares him down. Billy looks up at him and tries to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. "Sidney's my girlfriend alright? I wanted to check in on her. She told me how her dad was heading out of town for the first to me since." He cuts himself short, not wanted to say the words, but everyone knows what he was talking about. "I just wanted to make sure she was okay before heading over to Roses house since it was on the way."

"Well did you happen to ride boy Casey Beckers?" The sheriff drilled at the boy.

Billy looks at the sheriff with faux horror on his face, as if he can't believe that the sheriff would say that to him, "no, no I didn't. Sheriff, I didn't kill anybody!"

The sheriff looks at him unconvinced, "well we're gonna have to hold ya son, till we get those phone records. And while we're at it." He reaches over to the phone on his desk, hitting a button, "Dewey!" He stated into the phone.

"Uh yes sir?" Dewey answers into his badge walkie talkie.

"Get ahold of the Kings' house" Billy's eyes snap up towards him. The sheriff just stares in back in the eyes as he continues, "tell them we need Rose-Marie down here for questioning." He stands up from his desk and heads to the door.

"This is crazy" Billy's voice wobbles a little bit, "you know that? I didn't do it." He shakes his head and turns around in his seat, going back to giving Sidney a death stare, upset that know they had more problems to solve because of her.

Somebody's gotta make the call later, it was suppose to be Rose but if she's not out of here in time, then who's gonna call Stu to let him know to call? He can't help but feel more and more frustrated with each thought that passes through his head.

I'll be glade when she's finally gone.

Sorry guys, I've been real busy recently. But I found time to write this real quick. Might be bad because it was sorta rushed but u hope you like it.

🌹 His Little Rose🥀 , A Story about a killer who fell in-love Where stories live. Discover now