11. Like Mother, Like Daughter

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"You know Sidney? We prefer the term 'psychotic' " Stu says as he stands behind both Billy and Rose

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"You know Sidney? We prefer the term 'psychotic' " Stu says as he stands behind both Billy and Rose.

"You'll never get away with this." Sidney whimpers as she leans further away from the three. All their faces turn blank as Billy's eyes darken,

"Oh no? Tell that to Cotton Weary. You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame."

"Yea watch a few movies," Stu turns his head more to look at Rose, "take a few notes on them and little Rosie Posie here.. It was fun." He laughs a little at the end."

Rose smirks as she leans into Billy, getting a kiss on the cheek in return.

Sidney ignores them both as she looks at Billy, "why.. why'd you kill my mother?"

Billy snaps his head away from Rose and to Sidney, "why? WHY!," he watches as she finches once again. He squeezes Rose a little before speaking again,

"you hear that guys? I think she wants a motive. Hmm.. well I don't really believe in motives, Sid I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive? *stu sakes his head in the background with a small Nope* Did they ever really find out why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people?"

Rose jumps forward at Sidney, "don't think so." She sing-songs.

"You see Sid, it's so much scarier when there's no motive."

Sidney shakes her head, "I... I don't understand"

"We just did your mom a favor honey, flashing her shit all over town like the bitch was Sharon Stone or something." Rose mockingly slaps Sidney on the face softly.

Stu backs away and starts playing with the gun in his hands, continuously aiming it at Sidney.

"Yea let's face it Sid, your mom? Was no Sharon Stone!" Stu starts manically laughing

"Is that enough motive? Or how about this, your slut mother was sleeping with my dad and she's the reason my mom moved out and deserted me.."

Stu and Sidney go into a short shock at the confession. Sidney because she refuses to believe this about her 'angelic' mother, and Stu because he never did know Billy's motive.

"I mean material Abandonment causes serious deviant behavior. Certainly fucked you up, Little Doe, made you have sex with a psychopath! I should know, I do it all the time!" Rose taunts with a small giggle at the last part.

"That's right you gave it up!" Stu raises his hand to his mouth and acts shocked. "You're no longer a virgin!"

Sidney watches as Billy grabs the knife and Stu places the gun down. During this, Rose was playing with her hair, licking her lips as she watched Billy spin the knife around his fingers. Then, she got an idea.

"Doesn't that make you mad Rose? I mean, if you really have been with Billy this whole time, then I just fucked your boyfr-

Before she could finish, rose had the knife in Billy's hand up to Sidney's neck. Sidney gulped as she watched her eyes darken.

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