6. Only Cares 'Bout Herself

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Saying Rose was pissed would be an understatement

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Saying Rose was pissed would be an understatement. She just laid back down, finally in her pajamas, when Dewey called. Now, she had to go to the station and answer some questions. Fucking great

Rose quickly got dressed in a long sleeve camo green shirt and jeans. She grabbed her cellular phone and called Stu.



"Answer the god damn phone Stewart" rose mumbled,listening to the line continue to ring.


A 'hello?' Was mumbled on the other side.

"Stu, change of plans." Rose explained, "I'm going in for questioning, you know what to do."  She hung up and grabbed her car keys, heading to the station.


Rose walked into the station rubbing her eyes, considering ways to torture billy for ruining her sleep. As she got the the sheriff's office, the door opened, showing her that Mr. Loomis was still there. A quick looked told her billy wasn't though.

"Hello sheriff " rose put a hand over her mouth respectfully as she yawned.

"Hello Rose-Marie," he put an arm out to direct her into his office, " this won't take long, just got a couple questions sweetheart."

Rose nodded as she sat in the seat besides Mr.Loomis.

"Hello Mr.Loomis" she smiled sadly at him

"Rose, how many time have I told you to call me by my first name?" He gave her an amused smile.

"Quite a lot Mr.Loomis" he just chuckled at her answer

"Okay Rose, let's begin" the sheriff interrupted.

And with that, he questioned rose about the night of Casey Beckers killing, and about the killer being in Sidney's house, along with what billy was doing there. She answered all the questions just as Billy had, proving that he was 'innocent.'

"Okay Rose, your free to go. And Hank, we're gonna need to keep Billy here over night just as a precaution" both of them nodded as they stood up, making their way out of the office.

Rose quickly said goodbye to Mr. Loomis, since he had to talk with a deputy about Billy, and made her way outside.

As she made her way out, she noticed News reporters surrounding Sidney and Tatum. At the front was Gale. Still can't stand her. The question was, which her was she talking about.

She watched from a far as Gale kept questioning Sidney, pretending to care about her well being. As Sidney started to walk away, Rose heard Gale yell, I'll send you a copy, before Sidney turned and decked her.

She had to cover her mouth to stop her laugh from tumbling out. God that just made my night better. She chuckled to herself as she made her way back to her car. When she got in, she smirked as she remembered what was about to conspire at the Riley's house.

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