What am I? (Chapter 3)

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The next morning, the cops find my father and he is put in jail. I get up for school and I drive my sister and I to school. My sister broke her wrist in the crash but she feels safer now that I'm driving. 

"Hey sis, I have to go somewhere at 6:45 tonight. Just a heads up." I say.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm uh, going to meet with someone I met the other day." I say.

"Who is it?" She asks.

"Its actually a blind date so I don't know." I lie. 

I pull up in the parking lot and I see the Cullens standing by their Volvo. They all stare at me. I quickly read their minds and they are all thinking, "What is she?" I look away and help Max out of the car. We walk inside and Mike uses his crutches to quickly get to Max. 

"Max! I am so sorry! Are you ok?!" He asks.

"I look better than you." She says. She hugs him.

"I need to get to class. See you guys later." I walk to my first class.

I see Bella and we pair up for class. We talk for a while and she talks about how Edwards eyes were changing color yesterday.

"What is that bruise from?" She asks. She points to my black and blue forehead.

"Oh, I tripped yesterday and fell." I say.

A few classes later, the bell rings again and it is lunchtime. I sit next to Bella and we talk for a while. Bella then goes to the bathroom and look over my shoulder at the Cullens.

"Stop reading my mind." Edwards mind says.

"Then don't read mine." Mine says. I turn away.


After school, I drive home with Max. What are the Cullens? Are they just like me? They all look the same. When we get back to the house, I lay on my bed and think about Dr. Cullen. His beautiful golden brown eyes, his perfect blond hair, his beautiful skin tone. Everything about him draws me in. I love his desire to help people and he has a beautiful smile. I look at the clock and it is 6:30. I put on some black leggings and a white sweatshirt crop. It is 6:45 and then I realize I don't know where the Cullens live. There is a knock at the door and it is Edward. 

"Lets go." he says.

I get in his silver Volvo and he drives super fast up a mountain.

"Should we really be going this fast?" I ask.

"I drive like this all the time. You get used to it." He says. "My whole family will be here if you don't mind. They all want to know what you are and what you are capable of." 

"Oh, ok." I say.

We both arrive at the house. Edward leads me into the living room. Everyone is standing there. Every single Cullen.

"Hi! You must be Eleanor!" A woman says. "I'm Esme. Carlisle's sister."

"Hi. You can call me El."

Everyone else introduces themselves.

"So, what are you El?" Edward asks.

"Well, I don't really know. I got my powers when I was 12 and I've had them ever since." I say.

"What exactly are your powers?" Carlisle asks.

"Well, so far, I have some sort of telekinetic power and I can read minds." I say.

"Can you show us?" Jasper asks.

"What exactly do you want me to show you? I can do a bunch of stuff." I say.

"Can you blast something?" Emmett asks.

"Yeah but I prefer to do it outside." I say.

Everyone walks outside and I start to form a crimson colored ball and I shoot it at a tree, causing it to fall.

"Wooo!! That was badass!!" Emmett says. He starts clapping.

I let out a little laugh. I've have never shown anyone that before.

"El, come sit down, we are going to tell you what we are." Edward says.

I go sit down on the couch and everyone stares at me.

"So, what are you guys?" I ask.

"Don't freak out over this." Carlisle says.

"We are vampires." Edward says.

My eyes grow wide. "You guys are vampires?"

"We don't drink from humans. We feed on the blood of animals." Carlisle says.

I look at all of them in a panic. My scared eyes lock with Carlisles soft golden eyes. I suddenly feel a wave of calmness.

"W-what was that?" I say. 

"When we turned to vampires, we all got some sort of gift." Jasper says. "I can control and feel peoples emotions."

"Is that why Edward can read minds?" I ask.

"Yeah." Edward says.

You look at your watch. "Oh! I gotta go!" 

"Ok. Let's go." Edward says.

"See you guys!" You say.

"Bye El!" They all say.

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