chapter three

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I put the backpack on both of my shoulders and headed out the office.
I looked back and jack was standing there and looking at me.
"You coming? Or should i go to my math class?" I asked and opened the door.

"Yes, yes" he said and walked towards me.

The second we left the office it felt a bit awkward.
"So, can i see your schedual?" I asked and looked at him. He was taller then me, and that was a bit weird for me because in my memories we were always the same hight.

"Yea,"he said and gave me the peace of paper "here".

I looked at the schedual. Great.
"Ohh, so we have chem, english, lunch and french together. Great." I said and gave him back the peace of paper.
We kept walking around until we got to his locker.

"So, ellen said that you got in the us program. That is so cool" i said and tried to end the awkward silance.
"Yea, i did. said that you will come to dinner tonight." He asked and looked at me as i lead us outside to the football field.
"Yea, well... we have a lot to catch up on." I added.

"Yea. Do you still figure skate?" He asked as i guestured him to go sit on the blechers.
"No, i quit after a while" i said and sat down.
"Ohhh, mom will not be happy to hear that. You were better then all of us at skating." He said and a laugh left his mouth.

That laugh, you have no idea how much i have missed it. When they moved, i remember, that i still heard his voice and laugh. But with time i forgot it.

I just looked at him. With that smile on his face.

"Yea, well, i had a lot of reasons. You know... i missed you. A lot." I said and looked away from him because i was about to start crying.

"I missed you too. Really, you have no idea. I wanted to come by last night but the lights were out."

"Well i saw you pull up and out of panic i turned them off. I did not want for you or luke to see me the way i looked like" i said and looked at him.

He was still smiling.

"I have seen you with mud all over your face, i dont think you could have looked that bad last night. And look gorgeous." He said and his face turned a bit red.

I could feel my cheeks turning burning red.
"Aww, thank you. You look pretty great yourself. In a respectfull way, and dont let this get to your head, you look hotter then before."

He started laughing, because of his laugh, so did i. We were just laughing. Like no time had gone by. Like the old us. Like 6 years ago.
"Thanks, i've been getting that from way to many people lately." Smiled turned cocky.
"Ohh, jack has puck bunnys? Congrats." I said mocking him.
"Ohh shut up"
"Wasnt that your dream when we were kids? To have puck bunnys lined up" i asked and turned to face him.

"Well. When we were kids the thought of girls being in love with you sounded great. But now its just weird" he said and turned to face me as well.

"I can already tell you will have the best time at this school" i said and started to laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked.
"Because i know for a fact that this school is full of girls simping over you."

"Ohh great. I can tell i'll have a great time here. And the guys at this school. Are any of them some what normal?"
"Some are. But most of them are either dumb or simp over girls and doesnt leave them alone." I said and looked away.

"Like that guy in the hall this morning?" He asked.
"You saw that?"
"Yup, he looked like an asshole."
"He is. Most of his friends are the same."
"Noted, i'll stay away from them" he said.

I looked at the clock and we had to get back inside.

I got up. "We have to get to english, get your talanted ass up." I said started to walk away.
He ran up to me from behind and hugged me.

He picked me up and twirled us around for a moment.

He put me down, i turned around and hugged him for the first time in six years.
"Its so great to have you back again" i said as my face was burried in his neck.
"Its great to be back." He hugged me tighter.

We got to english and sat together. I felt many girls eyes on me. And from the 'popular' guy. He was the captain of the schools hockey team. They sucked ass. And now that there is a guy in "his" school who will probobly be the future of nhl, he was not happy about that.

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