chapter sixteen

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The hughes basment might be one of the most epic rooms i have ever been in. When we were younger it was just our free time room. Full of toys and games. Now...though it has s pool table. Ping pong, and i know for a fact that i will beat jack. A huge tv and a couch, well it looks more like a bed, but a bed that can fit like eight people.

"Damn you guys upgraded" i said to quinn who was right behind me. Me and quinn were the last ones on the stairs anyway.
"Yea, we kind of had too" he said i felt him grab me by my hand. Not in a possesive way, just, so i would stop walking.
"How are you really feeling, because i didnt know you were sick. If i would have known i woudnt have invited these dumb asses over." He said, and i dont remember the last time i had seen quinn look so conserned.

"Trust me, im fine. I have been sleeping and drinking meds for like three days now. And, you know, its nice to see other people beside jack."
"Okay, but you better not be lying to me right now. But any moment that you get sick of them, or you feel horrible again, just tell me and they'll be out the house in less the two seconds, okay?" He asked.

I could always tell when he was joking, and this time, he really wasnt joking. He was dead serious.

"Do you promise you'll tell me?"
"Promise promise, now cmon. I have to beat jack at ping pong." I said and quinns serious face softend, and we headed to the boys.

The next two hours were pizza, ping pong and a lot of talking. I got to know trevor and cole and even alex, though he did seem the most quite out of all of them.

I was surprised to see that jack was the same person with them as he was with me. Because, so many guys are so sweet with you only when you guys are alone but the second you are all hanging out with his friends, the guy is a totall dick to you and treats you like a whore.

But also... its jack. I shouldnt be surprised about that. We've know eachother ,practically, since birth.

I beat jack at ping pong seven out of nine games. He still sucks. This was the only game that i could beat him at, and i loved it.

"What do you guys think about a movie?" Jack asked the group, while we somehow had ended up sitting on the basment bathroom floor, all of us just talking.

"Oooo, yes, yes, yes." I said
"What do you guy wanna watch?" Quinn asked as all of us started to get up from the floor.
"Okay, soo. Hear me out. Before you guys say no, just think about it... and then answer..." Said cole.

I had spent about two and a half hours with him and i know enough about him and his personality to say that he is about to choose a horrible movie.

"...a DC movie"
"Hell nawww"
"Are you crazy?"
"Only over my dead body"
All of us practically attacked him.

"Okay,okay. Fine. Then what do you suggest maddi?" He said looking over at me.
"Tangled" i said without hesitation.
"Yes" jack and quinn said in unison
"I agree, agree, agree"

All of us got as many snacks as we could. all of them went to the couch/bed, but those idiots forgot napkins. I took as many as i could. And headed to the couch.

When i got to the couch there was no space, how? But jack moved closer to trevor so i could have to corner. And also i will be next to jack.

I sat down and jacks hand just went around my shoulders, but i didnt pay attention to that, because i knew that would be more comfortable for him that way.

"Okay, are you guys ready to sing your souls out?" Trevor asked as the movie started.
"Hey, quinn can you throw me a blancket" i asked him. And a blancket was thrown in my face. "Thanks"

Jack took the blancket and laid it over us both. And i just got comfy against him. What other choise do i have?

We were half way through the movie when i started to feel like im about to pass out.
"Just sleep, its fine. All of us would have fallen asleep here anyway" jack whisperd that in my ear. I felt way too many butterflys then i was supposed to.
"Goodnight, jack the ripper" i said in a low foice agenst him as he turned me so my head would be on his chest.
"Night night melly" he said again and i passed out to sound of his heartbeat.

"Sssshhhhh, dont dare you wake them up." I heard quinns foice. I heard trevors and coles laughs over the room. "Fiinneee. But then lets go eat something, im done waiting for them" trevor said like a child.

I heard footsteps go up the stairs.

"Good morning" jack said. Jacks foice in the mornings might be the best sound on the planet. "You heard them too right?" I asked and opend my eyes to see them hot guy that i had fallen asleep on. Wow.

"Yup, i have been up for like 13 minutes, and those dumb asses didnt even notice" he said. "Hah" i laughed and got up.
"How do you feel? Are you cold or does your head hurts?" He asked as he got up aswell.
"Nope, totally fine. I feel brand new" i said.

"Okay good, now i can finally do this" he said and pulled me in a kiss. The kiss was great but... i pulled back from it.
"Number one, you are going to get sick now because of me. Number two, i have morning breath and so do you. And third, thanks."

"You are welcome" he said with a big, proud smile on his face.


@trvorzegre.01 (not real)
Posted a story

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Story replay: @maddi.hart-wow, how mature.
@jackhughes.01- really man?

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