chapter twenty

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God i am sweating. The car so damn hot, it feels like a steam room in here. I was half asleep, but i couldnt live like this anymore.

I pulled off my hoodie, and now i was in my bra and sweats.

"Whoaaa" i heard the guys say.
Ohh i forgot i was in a car full of teenagers. Ehh, i dont care.

"What? Its like a steam room in here. I cant live like that" i said as i went to sit in my seat and not on jack. He still had my airpod and Dark Paradise by Lana Del Ray played.

"You know you can play your music aswell." I said turning to jack.

He had his eyes planted on the front seat, trying to not look at me. God. Pussy. I looked around the car and none of the guys were anywhere close to looking at me.

"Dear god. You can still look at me" i said so all of them could hear me.
"Okayyyy," jack said and looked at me finally. "And i like your music, its fine, i dont mind"
"Good, so how long until we get to mcdonalds?" I aksed
"In about a minute" trevor said.

We got our food and just kept driving and eating. They talked about hockey, a lot.

"Trevor, whens the next gas station?" Cole asked.
"10 minutes, why?"
"Ohh me too" quinn
"Count me in" alex
"Fine, i'll get some snacks too" trev said.

Trev stopped and the guys ran out the car. Jack and i stayed in the car. Just the two of us.

"You good?" I asked jack. He looked tense.
"Good, fine. Totally fine. Never better. Im fine" he said
"Those were too many 'fine's' for you to be fine. Whats up?" I asked.
"I said im good" he said. God, he wasnt even looking at me.
"Jack, whats the problem, what are you thinking about?"

"Something that you said last night?" He said.
I thought about it, i do not remember saying anything to him that would worry him.
What the hell did he hear. About collage?
"Jack..what the hell did you hear?"
"The things you said to luke" he said

Did he...did he hear the stiff i said to luke. About him, and relationships and collage.

"Exactly what did you hear?"
"The whole collage... thing" he said finally looking at me.
"Fuck. Did you hear the whole conversation?"
"Kind of"

"Great. Listen, about that..." i started but he cut me off
"No no no i get it. Its um..."
"complicated" i finshed his sentence.

"I like you. Like a lot. Always have its just, i knew you didnt feel the same" he said.

Wow. That was a lot. Didnt excpeted.

"Omg, luke actually shut his mouth for once" i mumbled.
"Luke. He didnt tell you anything?"
"No. Why would he?"
"You know i always told luke everything. And one of the things he knew was, that i liked you. And luke always ran to you When he heard that some girl like you. I just expected him to tell you." I said to him.

"Well respect to him because I never heard anything like that from him" jack said.
"So you liked me?"

Jack leaned in, and his mouth was on mine in seconds. He pulled me on his lap and his hands ran down my bare waist. My arms wraped around his shoulders.

Then out of nowhere the front door opened and Trevor stepped in the car. And steped in the car. Shit. Oh my God. I jumped up off of Jack and sat back in my place and tried to straighten my hair out to look somewhat normal.

In that moment also call Quinn and Alex got in the car.
"What were you 2 love birds doing?" Trev asked.
"Nothing. know we were just talking and she also had something in her eye so, like, I was trying to help um yet we were doing nothing." Jack studdred

"AHA funny guys and Pinocchio was a real boy, just sorry for interrupting" cole said.
"Ohh dear god. Jack please tell me that you didnt fuck her in the back seat." Quinn said.
"QUINN. I wouldn't fuck him in the back seat. I would fuck him in your bed." I said.

"Good one." Jack Jack said and fist bumped me.
"Shut up. let's just drive OK. let's get there have fun." Quinn said and whole car bursted into laughter.

By the time we got to the park it was already 12.30, all of us were kind of sleepy for some reason.
But nonetheless we were all extremely excited and jumped out of the car.
For some reason it was extremely Windy outside so I pulled my sweater back on.

"Okay boys are you ready to have fun I called out."
" Let's go baby" Jack obviously said his phrase.
I just looked at him and smiled.

All of us went to the entrance we bought our tickets and the 1st thing we got was of course cotton candy.

"Okay I say we start with the with the slowest ride and then we just go up from there." Quinn suggested.
"I agree." completely agree I called out.

"Okay then. Let's get this party started"
Trevor shouting.

And with that our day had officially started.

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