chapter nine

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Okay sooo, im crying. Jacks knee is fucked up, and the team hasnt told us if hes okay. I just hope he is okay. I fr couldnt do any of my school work today, i just need to know.

Everybody, send prayers to jack, and lets hope he will be able to play soon.

I quickly got out of jacks bed and looked at my phone. Shit. Its 7.15, and school starts is 30 minutes.

"Shit" i said as i quickly tried to find one of my socks.
"Whats wrong?" He asked and got out of his bed to open the window.

I looked at him for a second. And damn, he looked soo good. His hair was all messed up and that looked so hot. And those gray sweatpants. Ohhh. Myyyy. Goooood.
I realized i have to stop staring at him, bc i was glaring.

"I have to leave in like 5 minutes, and i am in my pj's. I cant go to school looking like this. I dont even have a toothbrush here." I said putting on my sock and trying to leave his house.

"Woo,woo,woo. Calm down. You can wear my hooddie to school. It will be fine." He said taking my hand and leading me into his bathroom.

He opend one of the cabinets and took out a unused toothbrush. "Here brush your teeth, wash your face or whatever you need to do. I'll go over to your house and take some books for school. And if im driving we'll get to school in no time." He said as he handed me the toothbrush.

He was about to leave the bathroom but i stop him by taking his arm and pulling him into a hug.

He felt a bit stiff for a second but his hands wraped around my waist in no time. He hugged me thight.
"Thanks. Really. I havent been able to sleep that well in a really long time. Thank you" i said and pulled away from the hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Anything for you" he said and left threw me a 'hughes 6' crewneck. "Wear this one. The hughes name looks good on you"

He left the room and i started to get ready, i stole his hair brush and took out my night braid. I brushed my long hair. I washed my face with cold water and stole some of jacks vasaline and used it as lipgloss. I put on jacks crewneck and took my phone.

The thing is, i have gone to school in pj's and birkenstocks, but i had a lot of mental shit going on. And everybody knew.

But this is differant. I hope me wearing jacks clothes will tell the other bitches to back off. What the fuck? What im i thinking about. Jack and i arent even dating. Okey, calm down.

I got down the stairs and jack and luke were in the kitchen arguing about something.

"Okay you ready to go?" Jack asked as he got closer to the door.
"Yes, please, lets just go" i said and opened the front door.

We walked over to jacks car and luke got into the back seat so i could sit in the front.
We got in and the second jacks door closed he started to drive. And he drives like we have 15 lives. He gave me the aux while having one hand on the wheel.

"Jack, if you will keep driving like we are imortal then atleast have both hands of the wheel" i said as i scrolled through my spotify.

"Ohh, this is safe, trust me you dont want to know how he drives after he loses a game" luke said while he was looking at his phone.

"Dude. My driving is fine. And thanks for exposing me." Jack said as he started to drive a bit slower.

"Soo, mads, why were you in jacks bed? Please tell you didnt sleep with eachother."
Lukey asked in a disgusted foice.
"LUKE. Dear god no. How could you even say something like that." I said as i turned around and faced him.

I looked at luke and then at jack, then back at luke and again at jack. Both of them had sus smirks on there faces.
I hit jacks arm "jack" i yelled.

Both of them started to laugh, and i joined in with them after a moment.

"I like your crewneck" luke said as we got out of the car and headed towards the school.
"Thanks" i said and turned around to face him and gave him a smile.
As we arrived at school i jumped out of the car.

"Okay mads, i'll see you next period. But if you need anything just text me" jacks said and hugged me from behind, towering over me.

I looked up at him, and he had fixed his hair. His hair looked so good when he had just woken up. I turned around to face him. His hands were still around my waist.

"Okay, so, stay calm, and dont be mad, but i will do something you might not like" i said looking up at him.
"What?" His face turned pale.

I lifted my hands and messed up his hair again.

"Ohhh, really? Did it really look that bad?" He asked.
"Noo, it look good, but it looks so much better now. Look how hot you look" i said as i held up my phone so he could see himself.

"I look hot?" He asked with a small smirk appearing in the corner of his lips.

"Okay, i have to get to class" i said really quickly and tried to get away.

But i couldnt, jack pulled me back into a kiss. What? And for some reason i didnt pull back. I liked it. Damn he was a good kisser. My hands got tangled in his hair. But the bell rang and both of us had to get to class.

I pulled back. "See you in french" i said as i walked away from him and waving goodbye.
He smiled and waved goodbye.

I just kissed jack.

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