chapter seven

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A/n. okey. Sorry. Its been almost a month now. I no longer have covid but when that left, some mental shit started. I feel like i am much better now. And i am ready to finally start posting again. And also my first wattpad story "love from over the ocean" hit 10k reads this morning. That is so sick. Thanks if u have read it, but also thanks for just reading this as well.
I was pulled up the stairs, by jack. Even though i havent seen him or talked to him in a few years. It still feels like no time has passed. Like i still know every detail of his life, even though i dont. Like i can still talk to him about anything, because i knew that he would understand.

All these photos on the wall, snap me back, i see jack and luke grow up to be incredably handsome, quinn turn into some hockey legand, and all that just reminds me how much i have missed.

I would do anything just so i could see how our lives would have been. Becoming a teenager with jack. I know for a fact that if i had jack by my side all those years, it would have been so easy.

What would have ended up with me and jack? Would we become a couple? Because i know luke and i also know that he told jack that i liked him. Well im not sure.

I knew i could trust luke with my life. But love and all that. There is no way he could have kept his mouth shut. Because every time, as kids, when he would find out some girl liked jack. He ran to him told him. So wouldnt be surprised that jack found out my feelings for him the second i left the hughes house.

Jack lead us into him room and closed the door.
"So... what do you still not understand?" I asked floping on his bed and taking his notes.
"Ohh. That. No, i know everything. I just wanted to get away from everyone" he said as he walked over to the bed i was in.

"Oh. Okey, then. Why did you want to get away from them?" I asked. I knew jack hated my stupid questions, thats why i always kept asking them.

I saw the annoyince in jacks face turn into a smile and a small laugh.
"Still with the questions? I hoped that you would have stopped that by now" he said

"I do it just for you." I said smiling and laying my head on his pillow.

"I cant belive its been six years" jack said as he layed down right next to me.

For the first time ever i felt nervous to be next to him. That had never happend. But some things have changed, and that thing is that jack is totally hot now. But he was always good looking.

"Listen... i was thinking" jack started to say something but luke practically broke down his bedroom door.

"My turn" he yelled as he walked closer to the bed to garb me.

"Dude" jack said to his brother and sat up. Luke had gotten my arm and wad pulling me out of jacks room.

I gave him a 'im so sorry, we'll talk later' look and weak smile. He smiled back and watched us leave his room.
The second we left his room. And enterd lukes room across the hall, he closed it and locked it.

"Why did you just lock the door?" I asked, kind of scared of what luke had in his mind.
"I am pretty sure jack or quinn are setting timers for 20 until they can steal you from me" he said.

I looked around his room. Wow. Compered to jacks, lukes room is nothing like it was before. The walls were a nice dark blue color, he had 'the bruins' poster up. And many photos of his friends. Somehow his room is already dirty, whem he has been here only for like 38h.

I felt lukes arm grab mine again and pull me towrds his bed. I sat down and he sat at his desk chair.

"Tell, me everything. We knew everything about eachother and now it feels weird not knowing your dirty secrets" he said and threw me a bag of goldfish.

"Haha, i like the way you think. I would say a lot of things changed. I, as you found out, dont skate anymore. I have only a few close friends, but thats bc all the girls at my school are fack as fuck. You know, i dated a little, but those hockey players sucked. Like at the game and just in general. I" i was about to state some more tea about my life when luke cut me off.

"Wait what? You dated a hockey player that isnt a hughes? Jack would cry if he found that out" he said in a mocking way.

"Yea, well, he was no good, i skated better then him, and he has practice every day. While i skated once or maybe three times a week for 20 minutes." I said as luke started laughing about him.

"Wow, so he must really suck"
"Heyy" i said and threw him a pillow.

"Okey okey, but i kind of want to know something" he asked throwing the pillow back.

"What?" I asked and placed my elbows on my knees as i was about to get the best drama ever.

"Jack." That was all he said. Just jack.
"What about jack?" I asked leaning back on his headbord.
"I dont know, i remember that you liked him, you liked him a lot. The night that jack found out that stacy liked him and he liked her too. You cried in this same bed. Soo...what do you think of him now?" He said but that same moment we heard some noise outside his room, but i am pretty sure ellen was just walking by.

" gonna be honest" i said and gave him a 'dont judge me pls' look. " hes really hot. Like no one in the school or even the state. I knew he would be handsome, just like you and quinn, when you grew up. But not like this." I said and tried to not make eye contact with him.

"Nooo, i cant believe this. Really, i think he got uglier. You were so crushed last time. And now that we are in highschool, i already know 5 girls that have an eye on him." He said as he took his phone off the ground.

"I knowww. But i'll be fine. I'll just..." and again. Someone was banging on lukes door.
"What?" Me and luke yelled at the door in unison.

"Omg, calm down." Quinn said from behind the door. "I just wanted to say goodbye, i am going back to my dorm." He said.

I jumped up from the bed and ran towards the door. I opend it and gave him a big hug.

"I actaully should leave too." I said as jack opened his bedroom door. He was talking on the phone with someone and had a hot smirk on his face.

Even though it was hot, i still rolled my eyes knowing it was some puck bunny from school.

I said goodnight to ellen and jim. Hugged little lukey who was a lot taller then me. And left the hughes house hold for my own deperssed house.

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