chapter eighteen

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A/n yesterday was jacks birthday. Ahhhh. I cant belive hes 21. Good for him, he can finally drink legaly.

Dear John by Taylor Swift was blasting through the speakers of my house. My parents were out, they needed to go buy something for the hughes because tonight we are having dinner with them.

I was just getting ready and kind of crying because of the lyrics at the same time.

My parents got back and it was 5.30. The dinner started at 6 so they were on time for the first time.

At six all of us were sitting by the dinner table at the hughes house. And i mean everyone, even quinn got home for this dinner.

Jack sat on my left and quinn on my right.
The talks about buisness started the second everyone picked up their forks. My dad was really interested about quinns and jacks hockey. How they are doing and how is quinn feeling about his draft next summer.

I was a bit bored and i could see that so was luke. I stared at him until he finally noticed and i gave him a 'lets get out of here' look. And he noded his head 'yes'.

Both of us got up from the table and said thank you for our meal and then we ran off.

Outside was still good weather so we went to straight to the hammock. Both of laying down.

"Lets just get to the point" luke said looking up in the sky at all the clouds who were running by.
"Which one"
"The jack one"
"Ohhhh... what is there to talk about?" I asked not really knowing what he means by 'the jack one' .
"Are you kidding me? We'll start with the fact that you slept in his bed for a week"
"Yea because i was sick."
"You wore his clothes. And still do. By the way"
"You hung out with his friends, which i'll tell you this. None of the chiks back in toronto met his friends let alone hung out with them."
"But, well.."
"Ohh i saw the ig story trevor posted, there is nothing 'just friends' about it"
"Bet we are..."
"Oh stop making excuses i saw you two kissing anyway, so just drop it. Are you guys together?"
"I dont know"
"Havent gotten to that talk yet have ya?" He asked looking at me now.
"Nope, and i dont even know if i want to be in relationship right now."
"You dont? Why?"
"I said i dont know. But like. The thought of beeing with jack excites me. But it actually happening. The thought kind of scares me."
"Scares you?"
"Yea. Like what if we fall in love or something. And everything is fine. And the the end of senior year comes. Not only do i have to choose a collage. If jack is in the picture i have to choose one that would be closer to the team he got picked for. And i'll tell you, the thought of that scares me. What kind of dumb founded girl would choose a collage just because of her boyfriend?"

"The one who fell in love" luke said

"I already know i want to go to either NYU or Berkely."

"Nice colleges." We both heard jack coming out of the glass doors.
"You guys talking about collages?" Jack asked and walked over to us and sat down on the grass in fornt of us.
"Yea. Collages..." luke said looking at me again.
"I'll leave you two to it" luke said and left.
Jack sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"So NYU and Berkely. Why those?" He asked.
"Mom went to NYU. Dad went to Berkely. But even without them i would have loved to studied at one those schools."

"Are you thinking about any other collage?"
"I know i'll aplly to yale, harvard and princton. Because those are the iv trinity. Maybe even Brown, but i dont know, i dont really care for it a lot."
"Damn, you really have your life planed out"
"So do you. You might be the nr1 pick in your draft. So you'll still make more money then me."

"True. But i sometimes think about what would happen if dont get drafted. There is nothing else i want to do with my life"
"Jack calm down. You'll get drafted. And to a good team, lets hope. Think about it. Have you played against a better player then you, who is the same age."
"No no i havent."
"So why are you worring? And not only are you getting the 1st pick you are also getting bitches. Not every guy can say that"

Jack just started lauging.
"Thanks, that really helped. But i dont want bitches." He said
"Then what do you want?" I asked
"I want..." and jack was cut off by ellen.
"Guys get in, its time for desert"

"One minute mom" jack yelled back.
He stood up and handed me his hand for me to take. I took it and stood up.

"I want you" he said and kissed me. Then just ran off inside. And left me there standing.

"Really funny jack. Really funny."

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