chapter twenty two

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The drive back the Hughes house is quite. Not in a awkward way, everybody passed out the second the car started to move.
Thank god Quinn agreed to drive, because i for sure would have driven off of the highway.

Jack and i are yet again in the back of the car. We are listening to music from our airpods. I, ofcourse forced jack to listen to taylor swift. And as much as he acts like he doesnt like her, i know deep down he listens to her music everyday. And i can hear him humming to "Dont blame me".

"Mels" jack whispers only so i could hear him.
"Stay at my place tonight, i think both of us agrees we have to talk about somethings"
"Yea, i know. I guess we sould" i replay knowing that in two hours we'll have to talk about something both of us, or atleast me, are dreding.

Either we will have a happaly ever after, or i am going have my heart broken over a boy who was never realy mine.

I wake up by jack carring me up the stairs of his house.
"Good morning sleepyhead" jacks says as he opens his bedroom door. And carries me to his bed.
"Yea yea" i say as i wipe my eyes from my sleep and continue "so lets get this over with, shal we?"

Jack looks at me with surprise in his eyes and runs a nervous hand trough his hair.
"You're right, so." He says and sits down on the bed and patting his hand next to him, telling me to sit down. "Its no secret that i like you"

I sit down next to him and continue with the conversation. "Well, i like you too, like a lot. But if i remember correctly, you heard what me and Luke were talking about"
"I sure as hell did" he says and looks away from me.
"So, i guess you understand my consern, right?" I ask with hope in my foice.
"Mels, i understand, trust me. But... but"
"But what jack? What do you have to say about this? Because if we do end up doing this, us. And by the time the draft comes, and high school ends, i will be selfish, and if you get drafted somewhere across the country, its done" i say as my foice gets louder.
"Wo wo wo, calm down here Mels. Listen i understand, but, please let me be selfish here. And hear me out. I want to be with you, for like forever. I lost you once, and i aint doing it again, atleast for as long as i can keep you i will.
And what if i do get drafted somewhere close to where you are going to collage, and we never started this, what then? Our time, yet again, would have been wasted.
So please hear me out, and lets try. There is a chance that the stars will alaighn in favour for us."
"So you wanna date? And just hope?"
"Yes, god dammit, Mels. I aint losing you again. I dont wanna life without you. Why cant you understand that  I LOVE YOU" he shouts.

I sit there, dumb founded. He just said he loved me. LOVED ME.

"Jack," i say as i stand up and jump on him " i love you too, so god damn much, you have no idea"  i say i kiss his all over his face.
"You do?" He asks.
"If only you knew how much" i say smiling at him.
"Okay, good. So what are we gonna do?"
"We' ll do it. We are going to be together for as long as we can"

"God i love you so much" jack says as he kisses me with love.

Jack fraps his hands around my thighs and runs out of his room.
"SHE SAID YES"  he screams and out of nowhere applouse echous trough the house.
And the boys start to run up the stairs.

"It took you guys long enough" cole pulls us into a hug.
"Yea yea, we know" jack says and gives me another kiss.
"Well i do not want to see that, so goodnight guys," Quinn says and runs to his room as he fake gags.
"Well congrats" trevor says as a proud father.

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