chapter twenty one

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" how are you still running" i ask cole and trevor who after 4 full hours of rides and games are still full of energy.
"caffeine" cole shouts back. Both of them just disappear somewhere.

Alex, quinn, jack and i are behind them walking in a normal pace and getting hydrated.

I dont know how the hell they can still walk. "What do you guys think about a real meal?" Quinn asks us and starts looking at the map of the park.
"Sounds like heaven if you ask me" jack says and throws his water bottle in the trash.

If im gonna be honest, i dont want to go home. At all. Not bc im not tired, but bc then jack and i will be alone again. And our conversation was not done back in the car. And i would much rather jump off a bridge and drown then talk about it.

Hear me out. I like jack, and i would love to be in a realtionship with him. But when its time to choose a college and for him to get drafted, i do not want to go to a collage only bc he got drafted somewhere. Its not an easy desision. We could get lucky. And we also could not.

"You good?" I get nudged in my shoulder. I look over at alex.
"Yea, totally fine. Just thinking about some things."
"Ohh. Everything alright?" He asks, and it almost sounds like he cares. And maybe he does.
"Its just..." i start and look over at jack for a quick second who is typing on his phone something "complicated."
"I get it. Hughes right?"
I look at him with a shocked expression on my face.
"Well the thing is. I dont know." I say and look up at him.
"Whats their not to know? You like him or you dont. It's not that complicated."
"Ohhh. Trust me it is. Well, I am the complicated part of it all but I don't think he knows that."
"Then maybe you should talk about the  'complicated' part?"
"Im dreading it. I really dont want to. Because if you think about it. There is only one equation to it all and I don't think either of us likes the ending to that." I confess.
"That really sucks." He says
"Trust me i know" i say and look over at jack again.

He is walking in front of us. So he shouldnt relise i am being creepy and string at him.
But just as i think that he turns around to look at us.
"Everything good?" He asks with his smile that's worth millions.
"My feet hurt" i reply.

I dont know why the hell i said that, my feet dont hurt at all. But whats done is done.
"Wanna piggyback?" He asks and bends down a little but so i can jump on his back.

I dont even need to respond i smile and jump on. He hands me his phone so he doesnt drop it. I open snapchat and take a video of him carrying me.
"What do think all the puck bunnys will think if i send them this?" I ask with a mischievous smile.
"I hope that will finally set them off. And they'll remove me" he says with a laugh.
"I just sent it to everybody. By the way, so lets hope for the best." I say saracsticly
"Ohh, you are a devil, arent you?"
"You know it, jacky boy"

"Okay, if you guys keep talking like that i will jump off a brigde. So please stop. Im begging" Quin complains.
"You call that begging?" Jack asks.
And for some reason i started laughing at that. It was funny, if you know jack.
"Do you want me to beg?" He asks.
"Ohh we would love that" i say and give Quinn a warming smile.
"Oh shut up"
We make eye contact. And he gives me a 'really?' look and i just shrug.

The thing with Quinn is that.... well it's just complicated. He's always been the big brother to me. But the thing is he's also a big brother to both Jack and Luke. So it's a bit weird seeing him being protective of me when he's trying to protect me from his younger brother. It kind of just doesn't make sense.

But I can sense it, I can just sense the long, excruciating lecture that I'm going to have later tonight.
It will go in the lines "just be carefull" or "you know how he is with girls". Like i dont already know it.
But jack isnt like that, atleast to, he never has been.

I can feel jacks hands slid up even more on my thighs.
"You can put me down if you dont want to carry me anymore" i lean in and whisper in to jacks ear.
"Hell no. If i could i would carry you everywhre with me, i would" he says back.
"And whre the hell is trevor and cole. Can you call one of them?" He asks.
"of course" i say and try to find trevors number in his contacs.
"Wow, you have so many girls on here. Damn jack, you must never be bored" i joke. He doesnt even have that many girls' numbers. I just love to tease him about it.

"Shut up  and call one of them" he says and steals my shoe.
"Hey, put that back."

Now i am the crazylady who has to get carried around a amusement park and has only one shoe on.
"Only when you make the call"

I find trevors number and hit the call button. Trevor picks up after 2 rings and says
"Sup, jackie. What you need?"
"Its Mads, and where the hell are you guys?"
"About 50 feet behind you guys." He says.
"What, no way."

"Where are they?" Jack asks.
"Stop, turn around and look" i say.
"Why?" "Just do as i say"
Jack turns around and the two golden boys are slowely walking towards us with huge smiles on their faces.

"So whats the plan?" Cole asks us when they finally approach us.
"Awsome. And whats happening here?" Trevor asks.
"Her feet hurt" jack says it like its nothing.
"So you carried her?" Trevor asks with grin appearing on his face.
"Duhh. Okay food, Quinn, for how much longer do we need to walk for?" Jack asks his brother.
"Not long. Not long"

Okay, hey guys. I know its been a while. But i kind of didnt see where the story was going anymore. But.... i'll try to finish it.
Love youuuu ♡♡♡

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