chapter six

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We got to the table. I saw jim get out if his office. And got to him for a hug.
"Madelyn. Its great to see you again" jim said as he hugged back.
"Like wise" i said and we got to the kitchen table.

Jack and luke were sitting next to each other talking about something alerady. Ellen was sitting by the end of the table. And a seat next to quinn was empty, so i guess that was my seat at this table. And jim sat at the other end of the table.

I sat down. I was sitting in front of jack. We put on some food on our plates and the talks began.

"Mels, how is going in figure skating?" Ellen asked. I was hoping it wouldnt come up, but i knew i woulndt escape it.

"Well, i quit" i said as quickly as i could and put some food in my mouth.
"No, you have to be kidding me." She looked at me with shocked expression.
"Nope, not kidding."
"Why? What happend? You were so great. You skated better then all the boys combined" she said and put her fork down and angled herself to me.

"Um...well uhh... when you guys moved, going back to the rink just gave me depression, and then...when i was 14, i was one of the finalists for the olimpics, but three and a half minutes into my routine, i fell, hard. So after that, i quit. But i still go to the rink like 2 or 3 times a week to skate by myself."

"Yea, we saw that" jack said in a quiet voice.
"You guys watched?" I asked in shook.
"Of course. We have watched every competition." Jim said and took a sip of his drink.
"I dont even know what to say" i said and got back to my eating.

The conversation ended as quick as it started.

"Soo. Madelyn, you probobly have boys knocking on your door day and night" quinn said.

I was drinking my water, and i choked.
I felt jacks eyes leave his plate, he hadnt made much eye contact all night. But now his gaze was on me.

"Yea, like that guy at school" luke added.
"What guy? You have a boyfriend?" Ellen asked like a teenager.

"No, no i dont.." i said.
"How?" She asked.
"Every guy in the school is a... how do i find the most appropriate word...duchbag." i tried to explain myself.

"There is no way all of them are that bad." She kept asking.
"A few years ago i had a boyfriend, but he moved sophomore year. The only guys in school who are okay, are my friend group."

"Do you think the boys will fit in the school?" Jim asked.
"Yes, no question. But most of the guys will hate you because of your hockey skills, and also because half of the girls in the school are in love with you. So you guys will have a lot of fun" i said giggling at myself knowing that is true.

"Really?" Jack asked.
"Ohh, yes. The girls bathroom not even gonna finish that sentence, you dont want to know." I said laughing a little bit.

"Looks like you'll have a fun year" ellen said and nudged jacks shoulder.

"Your parents arent home a lot, right?" Luke asked.
"Yea, they are home one week a month" i said and ate more of my food.
"So you make a lot of partys?"

"Noo, well... yea some times durring summer... but thats it." I said and tried to avoid eye contact with jim or ellen. Even though i knew if the boys wanted to throw a party they would help them.

"I alredy cant wait for summer then" luke said and eneded the conversation there.

We were all done with dinner. I and the boys got in the backyard and played pingpong. And jim got back to his office.

I helped ellen with the cleaning up stuff.
I was putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Ellen was standing next to me.
" know, when jack found out we were moving back, the only thing the talked about was you for like a month." She said. And that starteld me.

"Really?" I asked not really knowing what the hell should i even say to that. And its not like i havent thought about him every day for the last 6 years.

"Yea, luke was excited too, but not as much as jack."
"Well, i havent been able to forget them either" i said and gave her a smile.

We finished the dishes and jack had gotten in side.

"Hey, could we finish the chem thing?" He asked.

We finished it already. But i played along with it.
"Sure" i said and followed him up the stairs.

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