chapter eleven

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The whole day i couldnt wait until i could skip last period. I was walking to 6th period (the last one before jack and i leave) and i saw jack leaning agenst a locker.

I was about to walk up to him but, right before i was gonna talk to him i saw a blonde girl right in front of him. Flirting. And as i heard jack was flirting as well.

I just walked past him, not looking back. Now i am hurt. He kisses me, asks me to skip class with him, then kisses me again. And then just goes off and flirts with the bitch that has slept with every guy in the school.


I was walking towards the school door. And noticed that its raining. Amazing, i'll get soaked, bc there is no way i am going to get ice cream with him. I walked outside and the cold breeze hit me. Shit, its really cold.

I looked in the direction of the parking lot and saw jack standing by his car. He looked up and smiled. I turned around and started to walk away from him. I already felt horrible. Not bc i walked away, but bc i was soaking wet from the rain.

But i ran into someone.
"Shit, im so sorry" the tall guy said.
"Oh, its okay. Im sorry" i said and looked up. And damn, the guy was smoking hot, how have i never seen him before.
"Have great night" i said and kept walking.
"Hey, you are gonna walk home? Its raining" he said.

"Uhh yea, its just that" i said but jack had ran behind the guy.
"Hi, so i guess you met alex?" Jack said, and he sounded a bit jealous. Why did i like it?
"Ohh, no, but i guess now i have. Im madelyn, and i could guess you are Alex then" i said giving him a charming smile and handing out my hand for a greating shake.

"Its nice to meet you madelyn. So i guess your with jack, well, i just saw his crewneck on you, so." He said.
"No, i just fell asleep at his place and he gave me his clothes. But there is nothing there" i said forgetting that jack was still standing there.

"Uhh, mads, so you're still up for ice cream?" Jack asked trying to understand what he did.
"No, i was just going home" i said to him in a cold foice.
"Mads, its raining. At least let me drive you home" he said and guesterd to his truck.
"Im good. I'll just walk, or find someone else who could drive me" i said, looking back at alex, hoping he could maybe drive me.

"I could" alex said with a charming smile.
Jack shot him a death stare. Great. That is exactly what i want.

"Great. That would be just great" i said not in a sarcastic foice.

I looked at jack who was confused of what was happening. I gave him a bitchy smile and said that i'll see him later.

"So, this is my car" alex said showing me his hot looking bmw.
"Damn dude, thats a nice car" i said and hopped in.

In that moment i realized how freezing i was. I felt like a fever was coming. Fuck. My throat already felt sore.

I gave alex my address and he started to drive.
"So how did you meet jack?" Alex asked.
"Uhh, well. We actually grew up together. Yea, he lives next to me. But then the hughes moved to Toronto and now i guess they moved back." I said looking at him. Trying to ignore the fact that i, in that moment, am getting really sick.
"How do you know him?" I asked him.
"We play togethetr, in the us ntpd"
"Ohh, nice. Another future nhl player huh?"
"Huh, you know. Thats the dream. Do you skate?"
"I used to" i said trying to put the memories of the fall away.
"Used to, what heppend?" He asked looking over at me.
"Uhh, i did figure skating. But a few years back, i was one of the finalists for the olympics, but durring my routine injured. And havent compeded ever since."

"That must have been really hard for you"
"It was, and also the fact that ellen, jacks mom, taught me how to skate, everything i know, i learned from her, and a few days back i had to tell her i had quit. All that talent down the drain" i said and looked outside the window.

"Ughhh, thats rough. But ellens cool, right?" He asked changing the subject knowing i was uncofortable.
"Yea. I love her. She was like my mom for ten years."
"My perents go on many work trips. But its fine." I said.

"If you ever need any compony, give me a call." Ha said and handed me his phone, so i could put my number there.
"I'll text myself, so i have your number" i said and sent a 'hi' to myself.

I gave him his phone back. "Thanks for driving me. I didnt really feel like talking to jack."
"What happend there?" He asked.
"Well nothing had started, but. He made out with me, made me skip last period, made out with me again, and then. Just went to flirt with bitchy blondes. So yea. Not that happy about that."

"Wow, i knew jack had a way with girls, but this is just cruel." He said. "Dont worry, you're way too beautiful for him anyways".
"Thank you. Wow. You are hot too. Just sayin" i said and looked at him.

He drove up to my house. Now it looked like a rain storm.
"Do you have practice today?" I asked.
"In about two hours" he said turning the car off.
"Do you maybe wanna...come in? Have a tea, watch some netflix." I asked.
"Sure" he said smiling back at me.

I stepped out of the car and ran to the front door. Alex was right behind me.
We walked in.

"So, this is my house"

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