chapter five

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When i got home it was 1pm. I changed my clothes and got to my chores. My parents wouldnt be home for the next week. But it was fine. I loved being alone.

They sent me some money for me to survive and called me every night, so it wasnt that big of a deal.

And when i had a boyfriend i didnt have to worry about my parants because they were always gone.

I went to the grocery store and also hit a mall. Because why not.

When i got home i did some homework. I know it sounds lame, but i did it so i dont have to worry about it after.

I wached some tv in the living room. Then i looked at the clock and it was 5pm. The dinner was getting closer. I decided to get to my room and get ready.

I choose another outfit. Black leggings and a blue crewneck. A comfy outfit. Mostly because i know that after the dinner will end only when jim passes out. So the night will be long.

I was listening to taylor swift and cleaning my room. I looked over to jacks room. He was sitting at the desk. It looked like he was studying. And by his face exprecion, he was having a hard time.

I opend my window and threw a marker at his window. He jumped up. He got to the window and opened it.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Do you need help?"
"If you are good at chemistry then, yes please"

I got down the stairs and put on my birkenstocks. I ran outside of my house and got to his.

I walked in
"Its madelyn" i yelled and got in the kitchen. Where ellen was cooking something.
"Hi, you are early" she said and opened the fridge.
"Yea, jack needed help with homework, so i ran over" i said and headed toward the stairs.

And only at that moment. I realised where i was. I was at the house that i practicly grew up in. It had not changed at all. Only new funriture. But it was all the same. Walking up the stairs i looked at all the photos. I was in a few of them. Did they keep those photos? I put mine in boxes. But only because it broke my heart seeing them a while after they left.

I got to jacks room and wow. It looked just the same. All the same hockey jerseys on the wall. The dresser stacked with random stuff and photos.

"Hi dummy" i said and got to his bed.
"Ohh, hi" jack turned in his chair to face me.
"Your room looks the same" i said and kept looking around.
"Uhh, yea. So chemistry, how do know undersand anything?" He asked and threw me his notes.

"Uhh, when i cant fall asleep i study" i looked at his notes. Wow his handwriting had not changed. Still unreadable. But one of many of my talents is being able to read it. Not many can.

Jack sat next to me on the bed and i started to explain it to him. All of it. And it looked like he understud.

He shut closed his notes and threw everything away.

"Melly. So i was th..." but i we heard the front door open.

If i was correct jim and luke were already home. So there is only one person in the family who i havent seen yet.

"Melly get your ass down here" i heard quinn yell.

When i heard him. I jumped out of jacks bed and ran to the stairs. When i ran down. There he was. The oldest hughes brother. My role model growing up.

He looked so differant. Like really grown up.

He saw me and opend his arms for a hug. I parctically jumped in them.

"Long time, no see" he said and put me down.
"You are all grown up now. Wow. You look great" he said and pulled me under his shoulder and messed up my hair.

"Well you dont look to bad either." I said and pulled myself away from him.

I turned around and saw jack and luke just standing on the staircase. Looking at me with big smiles on there faces.

"Okay guys, get to the table" ellen said and all of us got to the table.

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