chapter thirteen

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I was laying in bed. Never felt worse. I have never felt this cold. I am fully dressed, under jacks bed sheets. And im still freezing.

Jack put on david dobriks vlogs. Right now that was the only thing that i wanted. To laugh. It worked a little, but i still felt like trash.

Jack still had his arm around me, i looked up at him, and he looked like he was about to pass out.
"Hey, jackey boy, its getting late, you should get ready for bed or sometihing" i whispered loud enough that he could hear me.

It was 9.30. My sleep sucks. I for the life of me cant fall asleep, it always has been like that. The first time i actually fell asleep in no time was last night. But now that im sick, i dont think i'll fall asleep.

"Okay, okay. Do you need anything? Tea, water, food? Are you cold? Do you need a sweatshirt or something?" He asked as he got out of his bed.
"Jack, stop with the questions, i thought that was my thing. But yea i could use another one of your sweatshirts." I said.

Without even noticing jack had gave me more of his clothes.
"Okay, i'll shower and get ready for bed. I'll be back in no time. If you need anything just yell, if you can."
"Oh my god, jack just get ready for bed and get back in. Dont worry, i wont die."
"But.. what if yo" i cut him off by throwing a pillow at his face.
"Dont worry too much. Just go" i said and he left the room.

I took my phone and checked snap and ig. Nothing new. I replayed to my friends who had texted me durring the past 5 hours.

Jack opend the door of his bathroom. He walked out shirtless. Wow. Him. Those abs. And his back was even hotter (a/n. Not trying to sexualize him). I had to keep my mind out of the gutter. If i wasnt so sick i might have kept it straight, and kept it cool. But im sick and a bit high on meds.

"Looks like someone hit the gym" i said trying to make it sound like a joke. But it didnt work.
"Appriate it." He said and got in bed again.

He put his arm around my shoulders again but this time he also pulled me in.

My arm was over jacks abs

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My arm was over jacks abs. We used to cuddle like this when we were younger but we were just kids. Now we are not. But i have never felt saver then now. In his arms.

"You know, the blonde you were flirting with today. She has slept with like 20 guys in our school. Just so you know" i said and tucked myself closer to him. And his arms hugged me tighter.
"I wasnt flirting."
"Yea sure. And i am not sick right now" i joked around
"No for real, trust me. When im flirting you'll now"
"Big ego allart." He tickled me when he  heard the commemt.
"How are you feeling?" He asked worried
"Well right now i am freezing, my head is pounding and" i was about to continue my list but jack cut me off. How rude, right?
"No, i mean, in general?"
"Its a bit odd. All those years i tried to forget how life was like when i practicaly lived in this house. And then, when im mostly over it, you guys move back."
"I saw you were reading harry potter."
"Ha, yea. I have read that book every year durring back to school season. Cuz, well, you left then, and it was our shit. We lived off of harry and ron." I said.
"Remember, one halloween, you dressed as hermione i was ron, and lukey was harry. That was a sick night." He said rubbing my arm.
"I know. Remember when quinn scared the shit out if us when we went into the basment. I still get goosebumbs even thinking about it."
"Ohh, you have no idea about the jokes he pulled on us in toronto" he said i felt him breath in a sharp breath as of he didnt want to talk about canada.

But i didnt care. I wanted to.
"How was it up there? You know, in canada."
"First 2 years sucked, not only because we didnt have any friends, i also missed you. I have had so much separation anxiety ever since then. And also it was just hard. But after i and lukey and quinn got over that, it became better. We lived on the ice durring winter, we went to games. It was great. Though i might say, the girls are prettier here" he said and punched his ribs.

"What? Its true" he said deffending himself.
"Okay, your word not mine"
"Could you fall asleep right now?" He asked and agzin he sounded worried.
"If you start talking about hockey gear, then yea, i could fall asleep right now"
"Hey, its important to know..." i cut him off.
"Haaapshhh haapshhhh" i tried to make sleeping sounds.

He tickled me to make me stop. I started to laugh and he didnt stop tickling me.
"Stop, stop stop. Please stop" i said wheezing and trying to catch a breath.
"Fine fine." He said and stopped, and now he pulled me even closer then before. I didnt mind.

I fell asleep in no time. But then i felt a kiss on my head. But i didnt open my eyes.
"Goodnight. I know i left before, but just know that now that i got you back, i'll never leave again. I'll take you with me anywhere i go or i'll follow you. Just know that you got me now." He whisperd in my ear.

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