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Leo's POV:

 I followed Percy as he ran up to Jason, Piper and Hazel, probably feeling most comfortable with them as they were the ones who helped him. As I got closer, i could hear him chattering away about his little conversation with his mom while the others looked on in amusement. I grabbed Thalia's arm and swung her round. "We need to talk RIGHT NOW. Tell the others," She opened her mouth angrily, probably to say 'Can't it wait?'. "It's about Percy, he told me something about his past," I added quickly, watching as she closed her mouth with a curious but mostly worried frown.

 I know that all of us were dying to know Percy's past, but every time one of us asked him about it, he just clammed up and smoothly changed the subject. "Who shall Percy go with while we're talking?" she asked. I looked around and spotted Will talking with Nico. I yelled to both of them," get over here you two!". They walked over, a bit disgruntled at being interrupted. At the sight of Nico however, Percy ran over to him, squealing in delight while Will gaped in shock. "I-is that....?" he said with difficulty. "Percy? yep. As a kid? Double yep. Why? we have absolutely no idea," said Frank. Nico bent down with a... was that A SMILE!?!?!?! "OH MY GODS NICO THE ZOMBIE DUDE JUST SMILED THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!!!" I yelled running in circles. Nico's smile turned into a death-glare NO PUN INTENDED. If looks could kill I would be a pile of ashes in front of him. I swear to the gods the temperature by 20 degrees. "Shut it Valdez, or the next time you open your mouth will be to scream in agony," he snarled, before smiling again, looking nothing like the moody boy I know. It was pleasant actually. Percy wrapped his arms around Nico's neck, whispering something in his ear. Nico looked shocked until he smiled so happily i thought he would break his face. He hugged Percy back. Will shook his head violently. "Ok, what is going on? Why the hell is Percy a kid?" We all shrugged, except Nico who was still hugging Percy. "Will can you look after Percy while i tell them something?" I asked. "Nu-uh i wanna hear this. Kayla can look after him," Will said. I agreed and soon Kayla had been informed of Percy's 'problem' and i was leading the gang to the Poseidon  cabin.

I shut the door and took a deep breath. Everyone looked at me expectantly. "Soo I found something out about Percy," I told them what had been revealed to me. When I finished sparks were flying around the cabin. Literally. Thalia and Jason were so mad that lightning  flickered around them. Nico was literally on the verge of traveling down to the underworld and beating the crap out of Gabe. "WHAT THE F-" "LANGUAGE!" said Hazel to Nico who was about to use some colorful language. Annabeth's eyes were shining with unshed tears. "He-he hid this from me?" We all looked at her. "I don't think he wanted you to know Annabeth," said Frank thoughtfully. Suddenly we heard a yell.


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