𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 𝖐𝖎𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑:𝕭𝖞 𝕳𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖘

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 Hades POV:

 This was not on my list if things to do today. I mean, I had a schedule to follow. I had to annoy my brothers, keep control over the dead, talk to Persephone, deal with my grass loving sister, Demeter... As you can see, I was not prepared for my daughter to hand me my de-aged nephew.. Perseus Jackson. 

  I sighed. Guess my list was cut short. I might as well enjoy it. I will never admit it to my brothers (Though I'm pretty sure Poseidon already knows, given how he calls me nicknames and brother) but it makes me happy that Percy calls me Uncle, and treats me like family, even when I try to kill him, though I won't try to kill him now obviously. But maybe.. I could just wrap my arms around his puny little ne- *cue famous tidal waves* ORMAYBENOT - Ok fine overprotective father of young baby Percy Jackson. " I WASN'T EVEN GOING TO DO IT!   YOU SQUID !" I whisper before increasing my voice a tad bit at the start of my insult.

A sound brought me out of my recollection. I stiffened immediately. Monster. And they were hungry for a demigod. A very young Hero of Olympus. The door burst open and monsters of all kind swarmed into the cabin, eyes trained on Percy, who was startled awake. I jumped in front of him and threw up a barrier, vaporizing monsters before gathering Percy into my arms and fading away into the shadows. 

 I materialized in my private room in the Underworld. No one had seen it until now. I heard sobbing in my arms and looked down to see a very traumatized Percy sitting crying into my chest. I rocked him gently in my arms, rubbing his back . I had only comforted Nico like this when his mother died as Bianca had gone into the River Lethe first. No I am not going soft. DON'T YOU DARE ACCUSE ME OF GOING SOFT . The tears finally stopped and Percy looked up at me curiously and nervously. "Who are you?" he asked. "I am your uncle Percy, your uncle Hades," I responded. Percy's eyes lit up. "Uncle hades!" he told me. I chuckled, "Yes, that's right Percy," He looked around. "Where on earth am I?" he asked me. "You're not on earth-,"I began but Percy jumped up. "H-HUH?! WHAT ON EA- wait.. we aren't on Earth... WHAT ONWHEREVER WE ARE DO YOU MEAN?" he screeched. I sighed impatiently. "We're in hell," I said bluntly before realizing that might not be the best thing to say to a little 5-year-old.


 Thankfully, he didn't  scream or cry or yell, like a normal child would react to hearing they were in hell. Then again, Percy was about the least normal you could get. He looked around again, then up at me, confusion clear on his face. "This doesn't look like hell," he told me. "And how would you know that?" I asked him. "Because I've been there," he murmured softly. I froze. It seems as if he has his memories still lurking somewhere in his head, just out of reach. "It is a different hell Percy," I tried to explain, " One just beneath the earths surface, hidden from people's view. Percy nodded seriously. "Like when I play hide and seek with mom, and I hide under the cushions,". I snorted. "Yes, ok," I said,"Sure,".

  "What can we play uncle?"

What do kids play with? I thought. I looked down at him, then around the room. What did Nico play? "Can we... can we play hide and seek?" He asked tentatively. I sighed. Of course he would want to play that game. Nico played it all the time with Bianca. "Ok, who's counting?" I said. "You! I want to hide!" he squealed. I put him down and covered my eyes.


I could hear him scuffling around the room, searching for a place to hide


The feet kept on pattering across the floor as he giggled


His footsteps got fainter and fainter...


I couldn't hear his footsteps. Or any noise. No breathing. Nothing.


I opened my eyes. Nothing had been touched except the cushions which had been hurriedly chucked of the sofa in an attempt to hide. My eyes scanned the room. Nothing. Nothingnext to the sofa, on the chairs, behind the door, under the bed-


  The door, which had been closed, was flung open. Percy had gone outside. Outside where he could fall into the Fields of Punishment. I had to find him, before he got killed. I wasn't scared of Poseidon. No I was afraid of Sally Jackson.

 That mortal woman could overthrow Olympus, and I would step aside for her.

No seriously.

I would not stand in her way. For anything.

And now i just lost her son.


 A scream rang out. A high-pitch cry of pain and fear. Percy. "Percy!" I yelled, running out of the room. I ran towards the screams that were becoming whimpers. No! Don't die! I thought as I pushed my self faster than ever. I wished i could teleport, but i didn't know where he was in the Underworld, and right now, I was too panicked on finding my nephew to sit down and focus on where he was. I turned a corner and stopped dead in my tracks.

 Percy lay there, chest heaving with each breath. Blood surrounded him as Akect stood over him. Her claws had scraped across his back and his stomach.

 She leaned in to kill......

AN- MUWHAHAHAHA I am evil. cliffhanger! Sorry for the slow updates, it's just the teachers love torturing us with exams and i fought a couple monsters every day and it was just UGH SO HARD! Thanks for sticking with me and pls comment and check out some of my other books! Love y'all! 

Yours in demigodishness 

Kion Jackson 

Peace out✌️

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