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Nico's POV:

  As soon as we heard the yell, all of us raced out of the cabin. I was still fuming about Gabe. I mean, i knew he had to have done some bad things to get into the Fields of Punishment, but this?!?!?! 'Focus Di Angelo' I thought to myself, 'Percy could be in danger right now. You can talk to your dad about special punishments for Gabe later,' 

  When we got to the pavilion it was not what i expected. Knowing Percy, I was thinking for him to have fallen into the lava at the climbing wall or be in the jaws of Mrs. O'Leary, but no, Percy had decided to pour a bit too much maple syrup on his blue pancakes and had ended up pouring it on himself. Me, Leo, Thalia and Jason stopped and started laughing hysterically while Piper, Hazel and Annabeth rushed over to try and clean him up. Kayla left. The rest of the pavilion was empty except for us.

   "Percy! you can't do that with your syrup. Don't put it on yourself. No, don't touch Hazel with those fingers. That is very rude and what you did was very naughty!" Annabeth scolded, yelling at some bits. Suddenly, Percy's mood changed. He looked terrified out of his life, whimpering as tears started to roll down his sticky cheeks. He scrambled back into the corner of the pavilion saying something under his breath. 'Oh no' i thought, 'he's remembering Gabe'. I raced closer and gently approached him while his other cousins glared at Annabeth. The rest of the seven cleared up, knowing I had it under control. I dismissed them and focused on Percy. My heart broke when I heard him sobbing 'Don't hurt me,' under his breath. "Percy, no matter what you do, we are never EVER going to hurt you. It doesn't matter if you set the cabin on fire, or if you decide to go haywire and injure people, we will not hurt you. Don't think like that. We are your cousins and family," I murmured as I gently scooped him as he cried into my shoulder. I hugged him and rubbed his back soothingly while I carded a hand through his hair.

 "Why did you say that?" said Thalia angrily. "Why did he react like that?" said a confused Annabeth at the same time. "He reacted like that because, "hissed Jason, "Gabe probably scolded him and then hit him afterwards!" Annabeth looked guilty and was about to apologize when a godly glow interrupted us.

 "I sensed my son's distress. Someone care to explain why he was crying and-," Poseidon stopped as he saw Perseus (who had stopped crying) resting contently on my shoulder, thumb in his mouth. I froze. UH OH.

Thalia's POV:

Oh no. This is not the way we were meant to introduce Poseidon to his only demigod child. Everyone knew that when Poseidon loved, he loved fiercely and deeply, and Percy was his only demigod child in a century and oh so fragile for immortals, that any injury of his caused no end of distress for his father, meaning he got stressed VERY often. I sped in front of Nico, my arms spread out to protect both of my cousins, yelling, "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!". Poseidon looked surprised. "Calm down, child, I will not injure them," he said soothingly. I stopped and went to stand next to Nico, throwing a protective arm over his shoulder and placing my other hand on Percy's back. "We don't know why he is like that, my Lord," Piped up Piper, (AN- see what I did there? OK I'll stop, maybe) nervously. "No 'My Lord' please. You are friends of Percy and have helped him. But is he alright though? why was he crying?" asked Poseidon worriedly. I hesitated.  I didn't want Poseidon to go all nuclear and beat up Annabeth for causing his son distress. Luckily, it was Annabeth herself who  answered. "I am very sorry for causing your son distress. I was scolding him for accidentally pouring syrup on himself," she admitted guiltily. Poseidon glared at her. "It was an accident. Children get messy all the time," he retorted coldly," If you were in his position, I doubt anyone, lest of all your boyfriend will yell at you for accidentally getting dirty," "I truly am sorry, I'm just not good with kids," Annabeth said sadly. "Then please, stay away from my son when he is in danger, even a monster attack, while he is in this state. He has endured enough in his life," said Poseidon, giving her a pointed look. Annabeth nodded. Poseidon turned to Percy's cousins (including me) and Leo. "Look after him," he told us, "please,". We nodded, of course we would protect Percy! He united us under the same flag and led us to victory. We had to, obviously, but at least Percy made us want to. He was so good at being kind to us, and getting us to open up about our troubles, saying that if we didn't, it would get worse, and we worth so much to everyone. He just couldn't apply that logic to himself.

 Satisfied his son was in good hands, Poseidon disappeared in a spray of sea mist, leaving us with the little Hero of Olympus dozing contently in Nico's welcoming arms.

AN: Hey guys! Please comment on this chapter. I am also going to start another book and update as regularly as I can. To all those Muslims out there, A Ramadan Mubarak and an Early Eid Mubarak in advance. 

Keep smiling!

Yours in demigodishness an all that


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