Chapter 4: Percy What in Hades happened to you?

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Hazel POV:

Chiron frowned after Nico asked where Percy was. To be honest I was kind of wondering about that myself. It was 11AM and Percy NEVER wakes up after 10. Jason and Thalia got out of their chairs worriedly. We had all formed strong bonds with each other through the relentless battles and wars when we fought side by side and had practically become a family to each other, so it was no wonder when everyone else followed there lead. Percy was like the funny, flopping fish in our group. He was the glue that kept us together, there to comfort us in any situation and under any circumstances.  "Come on," said Thalia worriedly and we all raced to The Poseidon Cabin.

Leo bounded up the steps and knocked on the door. "Percy?!" he yelled as he rapped on the door. No Answer. He glanced at us anxiously before knocking and yelling again. Frank leapt up beside Leo and hurriedly picked the lock. After a few failed attempts, we rushed in only to be greeted by an empty cabin. That is, until I heard the sobbing from under the bed. Apparently Piper heard it because she knelt down next to me and gently lifted the bedclothes dangling over the edge of the bed. A sobbing 5 year old crouched there. He had messy, raven-black hair and was wearing a hoodie way too big for the little guy, and shorts that covered his knees. I reached out towards him gently." Hey," I said softly. The boy looked up. Piper gasped and a cold hand clenched my heart. The boy had swirling, sea-green eyes and on his neck there was a necklace that had way too many beads for a kid this young. The worst part: I recognized those beads and who they belonged to. "Hey little guy," Piper said, "Do you want to come out?" She mixed a little bit of charm speak into her words and the boy sniffed and moved himself deeper under the bed while having fear in his eyes. It was quite evident that he didn't like seven pairs of eyes staring directly in his soul. I quietly and gently smacked the boys who were frowning deeply at the boy's state, they immediately jumped a bit frightened from my presence and smiled nervously before looking back and softening their eyes at him.

  I sighed before whispering, "Piper try a bit harder.. Its obvious he can sort of resist your charm when you use only a tiny bit." Piper's eyes widened a bit at realizing that he actually resisted his charm before softly spoke again with her voice dripping with charm speak. "Hey little guy.. how about you come out? Now." The boy looked at her suspiciously before complying and crawling out. I gently reached out and pulled him onto my lap. The kid curled up into my shirt, still sniffling, his eyes bright with fresh tears. "Is that...?" Jason asked in a hushed voice so as not to scare the boy. "Let's find out shall we?" Piper said practically. Frank smiled and knelt down, a gentle smile on his face. "Hey buddy, what's your name?"  The boy looked at him, my dress scrunched in his little hand. "P-Percy," the boy gulped. "Percy!?" Annabeth yelled, scaring Percy out of his wits and causing him to cry. I gently rocked him back and forth, murmuring soothing words while Thalia glared at Annabeth to keep her voice down. "What in Hades happened to you?" said Leo. Nico shot a fierce glance at him." Firstly, do not use my fathers name as a swear word! Secondly, yeah what did happen to you Percy?" Nico questioned, frowning down at the little boy. "Yeah, we all would like to know that," said Frank. The 3 boys kept on asking questions and overwhelming Percy until Jason jumped in front of them and put himself between them and Percy. "Guys! I know that we all want to know what happened to Percy but we've also got to realize that he is a 5-year-old now! We can't just overwhelm the poor kid!" whisper-screamed Jason angrily. The 3 boys went red and muttered apologies. Jason knelt down and pulled Percy out of my embrace and gently cradled him as he stood up. To my surprise, Percy didn't complain or resist in any way, and went willingly as Jason slowly calmed him down. 

Jason's POV:

"Now then little guy, do you remember what happened to you?" asked Thalia as I sat him down on the bed. Percy shook his head and hiccupped, his little fists scrunching up the bedclothes. "N-no, why am I here? W-why am I n-not at home? I want M-mommy. W-where's my mommy?" Percy whimpered as he started to cry. Piper scooped him up and rocked the 5-year-old. " Calm down little buddy, why don't we go see your mom?" I said. He nodded. Annabeth grabbed my shoulder. "Shall we go down to the beach? We can Iris message there using the spray" I shook my head. "No, not near the ocean. That's not the best way to introduce Poseidon to his now de-aged kid. Somewhere else,". Annabeth nodded understandingly. Leo gently walked over to Percy and took him from Piper. "C'mon kid, let's go see your mom," he said as he walked out of the cabin, the rest of us in tow. One thing was in my head though. How are we going to get out of this mess!?









Authors Note: We just had to do Jason's POV I love him! He didn't deserve to die

Author~Chan OUT!!)

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