carl grimes smut / bestfriends on watch

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Not a request

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Not a request

Carl and you were close, but not as close as you had hoped for all these years. You grew up together ever since the apocalypse started. Carl was your best friend and there was nothing that could happen that could ever change that. The relationship you guys had was something unbreakable.

Just a few moments ago, Rick told you that you and Carl should go on watch. You set off to find him, but you knew he would probably be in his room or something. So that's where you looked. You opened the door to his house, where Rick and Judith also lived. Walking up the stairs to his bedroom, you heard soft moans coming from the other side of the walls.

At first, you stayed silent. It would've been rude for you to interrupt Carl if he were masturbating or something. He was a teenage boy, so that was kinda expected of him to do. But, that's not what he was doing. The door to his room is cracked, you peep through the crack and see a familiar brown haired girl sitting in front of Carl. She's on her knees, hair up in a ponytail. You tried to contain your gasp, but it was louder than you intended it to be.

The girl lifts her head up from carls cock, wiping a bit of his cum from her sleeve. "Carl? Did you hear that?" She asks him. He looks up, and he stares into your eyes. He knows your there now , he knows what you just watched happen. You tried to move, tried to walk away but you were frozen. He wouldn't look away, just keeping eye contact with you.

"No. You're just hearing things. Keep going, please." He practically begged her. She laughed and began sucking again. You thought he would look away from you, but he didn't. He was staring at you still even through he was getting sucked off from another girl.

"Fuck..right there..I'm gonna cum again..." he lowly moaned looking into your eyes as he did so. You couldn't help but be jealous, he knew what he was doing. Though you guys never did anything sexual to each other the tension was still there. The sexual jokes, the flirting. But it was basically harmless.

You broke eye contact with Carl after you heard someone coming up the stairs. You turned around, facing Rick. He looked at you curiously.

"I thought I told you to go get Carl. Why do none of you damn kids listen to a word I say?" Rick huffed. You didn't want Rick to walk in on Carl and the girl, so you  stood in front of Rick.

"I was just about to get him, sorry. I got stopped by Carol. She talks a know Carol." you lied. Rick decided to let you off the hook and walk away. You sigh, contemplating whether you should knock on Carl's door or not.

"Enid, I think we should do this another time. I have things to do." You heard Carl say through the door. You chose to go downstairs and wait for him to come out, and try to pretend that it never happened. Knowing Carl, you might just never hear the end of it.


Carl came downstairs a few minutes later, with his hair a mess and his belt halfway unbuckled. He did that on purpose. He had time to fix himself up, he just chose not to. You thought to yourself "where's Enid?".

"Rick said we need to go on watch for a little bit." You had enough confidence to muster out. "Oh, why didn't you come get me? I wasn't busy." Carl replied.

You scoffed, feeling a bit annoyed. "Sure sounded like it." Carl laughed, shaking his head. "You jealous or something Y/N? You can tell me if you are but at least have enough courage to say it out loud."

With that smartass remark, you turned away from him and began walking. He followed close behind you.


You and Carl found a spot in the wood to keep watch at. No words had been spoken since what he last said to you.

He walked close to you, putting his flannel on you. "You look cold." You shrugged his flannel off of you. "Well im not." You spat. He looked at you with angry aggravated eyes. "What?" You said. He said nothing, pushing you against a nearby tree. Pinned against the tree, you let out a soft whimper.

"What was that?" He asked, a smirk forming on his face. You were embarrassed, how could you let something escape your mouth like that? You attempted to look away, to look at your feet but he lifted your chin with his finger. Being forced to make eye contact with him once again.

"Nothing. Just forget it Carl." You said. He shook his head in disapproval. "You saw me getting my cock sucked. Did you touch yourself after, Y/N?" He asked with a touch of hunger in his voice. His voice vibrated against your neck as he spoke. "I didn't mean to walk in on you being a whore. My bad Carl." You replied, ignoring his question.

He looked around to make sure nobody was nearby before he spoke. "Did you wish it was you?" You were taken back by this, unable to process on how to reply. He began unbuckling his belt, letting his pants drop to his ankles. "You have your chance now. Make me cum Y/N. Don't act like this isn't what you wanted. Staring at me while I'm trying to get off..." he whispered into your ear.

You were so wet, his voice alone made you quiver underneath him. He was significantly taller than you, which made you even more attracted to him. "Why didn't you just ask Enid?" Carl started unbuttoning your pants, leaving you trembling with arousal. "If I wanted Enid to make me cum I would've asked her to come out here. But right now im asking you."

You looked into his eye, not sure of what to do next. Before you could do or say anything Carl put his lips onto yours, passionately kissing you. You tugged at his shirt, pulling him closer so there was no space between the both of you. You felt his hard cock rub against your crotch through his boxers. He paused, his lips leaving yours. "Baby, you know what you're doing to me. I'm begging you to get on your knees." He whimpered into your neck.

You pulled down his boxers, eager to fit all of his cock in your mouth. You put your mouth on his cock, slowly bobbing up and down. Low groans left his mouth, whilst he tugged on your hair. "Enid could never make me feel this good. Only you baby." He moaned. Him saying that made you even more determined to make him cum all over you. 

You sucked harder and played with his tip with your tongue. That drove him crazy, his moans became screams that he needed to silence but he just couldn't. You stopped sucking for a moment to speak, but he shoved your head back down roughly. "Please. Don't stop, I don't fucking care if anyone hears us. I'm about to cum Y/N."

You sucked faster and faster bobbing your head up and down, making his hands shake. The grasp he had on your hair began to become weaker and weaker until his hands were at his sides. "F-fuck..I'm cumming.." he groaned. You kept sucking until he physically couldn't take it anymore. He yanked your hair off his cock, bringing your head up to his level. He was trembling. He buried his head into your neck and held onto you like he was going to collapse at any given moment.

He gave you a innocent kiss before speaking. "We should do that more often."

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