carl grimes smut / kidnap

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You had lived in Alexandria since the apocalypse started

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You had lived in Alexandria since the apocalypse started. You grew to like one of the boys who lived there, Ron. He was your boyfriend but he was a dick sometimes. Maybe today was the day you'd get tired of it.

"Y/N." Ron says as he walks up to you. You turn around from Enid and go to greet your boyfriend. "What's up Ron?" You ask him. Ron pulls you away from Enid and leads you to the garden. "Listen, we need to go out on a run today." Ron says. You were about to argue, but he spoke before you could. "No excuses." You rolled your eyes and decided to go back to your room to get some supplies before you and Ron left.

After getting the supplies you needed, you met Ron at the car. He looked like he was having a hard time starting the car so you tried to reach for the keys to help him, but he hit your hand away. You pushed him and walked to the passenger side. "Fuck was that for?" Ron asked angrily. You slammed the passenger door shut while sitting in silence. Ron finally got the car started and sat next to you in the drivers seat.

"I asked you a question Y/N." He said as he tried to grab your face to make you look at him. You swatted his hand away and spat on him. "Fuck you. I don't have to answer to you." Ron wiped the spit off his face and started driving. The rest of the drive was silent until you were at the destination. It was a small pharmacy.

You both got out the car and were about to clear it when something was thrown around your head. You tried to fight back but the grip the person had on it was too strong. From the lack of sounds Ron was making, you assumed your idiot partner was captured too.

"Fuck, just get this off of me and I won't fight back." You said to whoever the person was who was capturing you. You could tell they were thinking about it because they weren't trying to drag you anywhere like they were before. The grip on you was lifted and you were turned around to face your captor.

He was taller than you and he had shoulder length brown hair. Man, you thought he was sexy. You assumed he noticed that you were staring at him because he smirked. "Your boyfriend not good enough for you?" He asked you while tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. You turned around to see Ron being held by someone too. The sack was still over his head though.

"What do you want with us?" Ron asked. The teenage boy who's name you didn't know turned you away from Ron and began making you walk. You realized that maybe the captor wasn't going to hurt you because the sack still wasn't on your head. "Did I earn my privilege to see sir?" You asked him. He laughed and when he did you could feel his breath on your neck.

"Mm, I guess you did." He replied.

Some walking later, you were led into a shed in the middle of the forest. The two teenage boys sat you and Ron down. Now, Ron's sack was taken off his head. Ron looked at you with true anger in his eyes. "This is your fucking fault, Y/N. And now you're talking with the dude like you guys are friends?" You rolled your eyes at him. "I was making conversation." The other teenage boy left the shed and only left the one that you caught a liking to.

"What's your name pretty boy?" You asked him. Saying that made Ron even more pissed and he was making himself look stupid as he tried to get out of the rope around his wrist. But you, didn't have any. "Carl." He replied. Carl walked up to you, got on one knee and began to caress your face. "And your name, pretty girl?" You blushed at his words.

"Y/N."  you reply softly. He smiled at you and then looked over at Ron who looked like he was going to blow a fuse. "Don't fucking look at my girlfriend!" Ron yelled. Carl raised his eyebrow and stood up. "Doesn't seem like your girlfriend minds." Ron grunted as he tried to break free. Carl grabbed the gun from his holster and held it to Ron's head. "See, I'd kill you, but I want to teach you a lesson."

Ron attempted to look like he was a badass but you knew deep down he was pissing his pants. Carl swiftly put the gun back in his holster. "The way you talk to your girl makes me sick to my stomach. Makes me want to rip every organ out of your body." Ron now looked intimidated.

"She's mine. Don't touch her." Ron said. Carl looked at you and then  back at Ron. "Are you sure she's yours?" Carl asked. You were getting wet at Carl's words. Ron could've never made you feel this way, the way Carl could get you soaked just by speaking. Carl walked up to you again but this time he just stood. You looked up at him with begging eyes. He knew what you wanted.

Carl put his hand on your face and caressed it. "Do you want me to show this piece of shit that you're mine?" He whispers. That sent chills down your spine. You remembered how shitty Ron treated you, how fucked up he was to you. "Please." You begged Carl. You didn't mean to sound whiny but you were.

You wanted him so bad. Ron yelled and screamed but that wasn't stopping this. Carl carefully took off your shirt and set it to the side. You were now just in your jeans and bra. Carl looked at Ron and back at you. "He doesn't deserve to see you like this. Not ever again." Carl took off his flannel and put it around you. He also moved you to the wall so the only thing Ron could see was Carl's  back and your head.

Carl slipped off your jeans and underwear, and finally your bra. You were completely naked for him. He loved it. He took his pants down halfway and left his shirt on. His gun was still in the holster. He lifted your chin up with his finger before entering you. "This okay?" He asked you. You immediately nodded and moaned at his size.

"You're so big." You say. Carl softly kisses you before going faster. He held your face as he quickened his pace faster and faster. You remained having eye contact with him. Carl threw his head back in pleasure as he noticed that you were losing eye contact. "You like that?" He asked in a whiny voice. You held onto his shoulder as you were close to cumming.

He noticed this and picked you up. He was now standing and holding you up against the wall. You saw how angry Ron looked, so embarrassed. You loved every second of it. Carl held your head as you moaned louder and louder into his ear. "Your  gonna cum so soon?" He asked  shakily in your ear. You were embarrassed at how fast he was making you cum. Your yells became so loud that Carl had to place his hand over your mouth.

"F-Fuck.." Carl says stuttering. This is when Ron starts to scream so loud so he didn't have to hear the noises you were both making. You noticed this made Carl pissed. "Will you shut the fuck up?" Carl yelled to Ron. As you both were about to cum, Carl grabbed the gun from his holster and shot Ron. As soon as the bullet hit Ron's head, you both came.

Carl stopped and looked at you. "You're sticking with me now, Y/N."

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