carl grimes death imagine / i need you

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not a request

Everyone around you was panicking. Rick was off his rocker and was destroying everything in his path. "Carl, what the fuck is up with Rick? He's scaring people." You say grabbing Carl's arm to lead him away from the rest of the group. Carl bit his lower lip nervously. "He's just scared. He doesn't know what to do about that rival group." Carl said in a quiet tone.

You looked around before speaking to him. "Is there anything we can do to stop him from making everyone else scared-" you take a breath before continuing. "-is this group really going to hurt us? There's no way their stronger than us." You finish speaking. Carl shakes his head and sighs. "I don't know. He won't tell me anything. It's like he doesn't trust me or something." Carl replied.

You go out to touch his hands and you intertwine your fingers with his. "That's definitely not the case. He's just worried. You're trying your best Carl." Carl looks down at his shoes and looks back up, his gaze meeting yours. "I think there's something I could do. Maybe if we do this he won't be so panicked. I'll finally be able to help out. Contribute." He stammers. You shake your head repeatedly and stop him from talking any further.

"Carl, we should just leave this to them. There's nothing we can do. If anything, we'll just fuck it up more than it already is." Carl scoffed, pushing past you and walking away. "So you're saying I'm a fuck up?" You exhale sharply and follow him. "That's not what i was saying Carl. I just think whatever your plan is, it's dangerous and we should leave it be." Carl waves you off and you stop following him. A part of you hopes he doesn't do anything stupid.


Sometime later, you're sitting in your room in Alexandria. It's around dinner time but you figured nobody would be up to eat. Everyone was either worrying or preparing for a battle. You make a confused look when you hear a car starting outside. Nobody would dare leave during this time. Not when there was people who wanted to kill us out there.

You look out your window and see Carl loading up a car. "Fuck." You whisper to yourself. You knew he would do something stupid like this. Trying to be the hero. You practically run outside to try to catch him before he drove off. "Carl!" You shout. He sees you but ignores you.

"Carl, you fucking dick." You yell when you shove him. He pushes you off him and gets in the driver seat. You refused to let him leave and do something that could easily get him killed. You open the passenger door and quickly get in as he begins to dive.

"I don't need you Y/N. You can't fucking stop me. This isn't about you." Carl yells as he drives. You hold back tears as he harshly adds on to his argument. "I don't need your fucking protection. Or whatever you thought you were doing. I'm doing this for me and nobody asked you to come along." You wipe your tears with the end of your sleeve.

"Carl. I know you just want to do something to help, but this-" you start to say but get cut off by the car coming to a complete stop. "Just fucking stop talking." He says. You decide to be quiet for now.


Carl pulls into a clearing in the woods. The branches were moved and it was cleared out. The perfect space for a car. It was like he already planned to do this. Silence filled the air as you both got out the car, grabbing guns and ammo.

"My plan is to put walkers all up in their camp." Carl spoke for the first time in the last hour or two. It wasn't the smartest plan but you knew you couldn't stop him.

"Okay. How do we get the walkers in there? They probably have guards that will shoot em". You replied. Carl loaded his gun while covering the car with a tarp. "Got it all figured out. I've been in this area before, spying. They have a hole in their fence. Lead the walkers in there." You raise your eye brow. "What, you just got walkers hanging around?" You laugh. Carl doesn't return the laugh. In fact, he looks like he didn't take that as a joke at all.

"Yeah, I do." He replied. You stare blankly at him until he adds on to his sentence. "I have a shed full of them." You sigh when you realize there's nothing you can do about his plan. You agreed to follow him into this disaster. He leads you to a shed that he supposedly found a few months before. The sounds of the walkers moaning beyond the shed walls made you uneasy. "Carl, I don't know if this is going to work how you hope it does." You say while tugging at his arm. He looks at you with pleading eyes. "I have to do this Y/N. I want to make him proud." You look down at his hands that are now grabbing yours. "What if something goes wrong?" Carl drops your hands and a frustrated look forms on his face. "Just trust me."

Carl opened the shed door, releasing a dozen of walkers. He motioned for you to run after he started making tons of noise to get them to follow him. He led them back to the groups camp and of course like he planned, the walkers went through the hole. Not much longer after that, the group started fleeing out their camp in horror. You and Carl hid behind a tree, making sure that you were both silent. Just when you were about to exhale and let your guard down, you heard Carl scream. You looked next to you to see Carl gripping at his neck. A walker had tore into his skin and you quickly shot the walker in the head. "Fuck!" you shouted. You got on your knees and went to tend to Carl.

He was barely breathing and his eyes were teary. "Y/N? Am I going to be okay?" Carl asked you. You tried so hard to respond but you just could not stop staring at the walker bite. "how bad is it?" he added. Tears streamed down your face as you let out choked sobs. "Carl, Im so sorry." Carl reached for your face and brought your head down closer to his. "I do need you." He softly spoke. You buried your face onto his torso. "I should've paid attention-I'm so sorry." You whispered while attempting to hold back your sobs. Carl ran his fingers through your hair. "It's okay Y/N. Just.." Carl started to cry louder to where you could hear it. "Please don't leave me. Wait until I turn." Him saying that just made your crying heavier.

For a moment you felt so guilty because he was the one dying,  not you. "I love you Carl." You said while pressing your lips onto his forehead. You looked at him and he smiled at you. "I love you too."

That was the last word he said to you. His eyes closed and soft moans came from his mouth. It was too late. You knew you had no more time with him. You let out shaky breaths as you shoved a knife in his head.

"Goodbye Carl."

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