rick grimes smut / close call

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A/N We're just gonna pretend Lori has been dead in this imagine. Okay? Okay.

You and your group were just arriving at the prison

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You and your group were just arriving at the prison. Everyone was skeptical about the place and freaking out. You and Rick decided to check the perimeter for walkers or any people.


"Rick, maybe this is the place you've been talking about. Where we could stay permanently." You spoke to Rick, breaking the silence between the two of you. Rick walked in front of you shielding you from anything that would be coming your way. "It's a prison, Y/N. Not exactly a family home." You speed walked a little to stand beside him.

"Yeah, well it's better than nothing right?" Rick looked at you for just a moment and then turned his attention back to in front of him. At this point you both wandered a little too far and ended up in a forest that surrounded the prison.

"Fuck. I think we're lost." Rick said as he paced back and forth. You put a reassuring  hand on his shoulder only for him to shrug it off. "I was just trying to calm you down." You said while scoffing. Rick threw his hands in the air in frustration. "I know what you're doing Y/N." You turned your head to him and raised your eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" Rick got closer to you, his presence made you tremble as he stood over you. "My wife just died a month ago and you're trying to get in my pants." You we're about to argue when Rick placed his hand on your chin and made you look directly into his eyes.

"Do not pull that shit again. Don't touch me, don't look at me, this is just business." He removed his hand from your chin and kept walking. You were shocked at the way you were being treated all of the sudden and wanted to give him a piece of your mind. You threw your duffel bag that was carrying guns and supplies onto a nearby tree.

The sound made Rick turn around and look at you. "You know what, fuck you Rick!" You shouted. Rick was about to speak when you saw something approaching him from behind. "Rick!" You yelled. He turned around and there was a gun pressed against his forehead. Four guys who looked like they used to be in a motorcycle gang surrounded you and Rick.

They made Rick stand next to you and then they began searching the bag you previously threw. "Listen, we don't want no trouble fellas." Rick said to the group. One of the biggest ones, who seemed to be the leader hit Rick with the bottom of the gun. "Did i tell you to talk?" The man asked Rick. Rick didn't say anything further until the leader came up to you.

Your back was to Rick's and you and his hands were tied together. "What a pretty little girl." The man said while rubbing his grimey fingers up and down your cheek. Rick immediately started to try to wriggle his way out the rope that was tying him down but it didn't work. "Don't you fucking touch her." Rick growled.

That only made the man want to touch you more. The leader started to unbutton the flannel you were wearing and that made you press your back harder onto Rick's. "I said don't fucking touch her!" Rick yelled loud enough for any walkers to hear. "Boss, the dudes being too loud." One of the other man said. The leader took his attention off of you and went over to Rick.

You tried to free yourself as well when the man punched Rick in the face. Over. And over again. "Stop! Just fucking stop! Please!" You begged. Rick was hunched over and looked like shit. You looked at the leader and thought of one last thing you could do. "Just let him go and you can do whatever you want to me, I won't fight back. I promise!" That made the man stop beating Rick and walk back to you.

Rick tried to get up and stop this from happening but he was weak. The man completely unbuttoned your flannel and that left you in your tank top. You shrieked as the man tore your tank top right off of you. "I said let him go first." You said. The man slapped you hard across the face making you curse under your breath.

"We're gonna kill him either way. You can fight back but it won't matter." Tears began to leave your eyes as you realized there was nothing you could do. You looked at Rick and back at the man in front of you one last time. "Rot in hell." You spat in the man's face.

You closed your eyes coming to the conclusion that you would be raped and Rick would be killed and there was nothing you could do about it. That was the moment when you heard gunshots around you. You opened your eyes to see Glen, Maggie, And Hershel. They had shot all four of the guys. You were frantic to check on Rick so you yelled to Glen. "Come fucking untie me!" Glen immediately came over and sliced the rope in half.

You shook the rope of your hand and came over to Rick. He was pretty busted up but he smiled when you clipped his face. He was alive thankfully. "I'm sorry Rick." You said to him. Rick sat up and brought you towards him. He wrapped his arms around you, letting you bury your head in his chest.

"It's okay Y/N. I got you." He said as you let out soft sobs.


Back at the prison, you and the rest of the group cleared out a cell block to stay in. Everyone was picking out their cells and you were trying to find one too. You looked around to see there was one cell left. You and Rick were the only ones without cells.

"Guess we're bunk mates, I call top." Rick said as he winked at you. You were taken back by this because of events from earlier that day. You set your bags down on the bottom bunk and flopped down on the mattress. It wasn't the best but it was better than the floor.

Everyone was getting ready for bed so you thought you should change into some pajamas. Rick shut the cell door and turned off the lights. It was pitch black in the cell block. "Some privacy, Rick?" You asked. Rick rolled his eyes and you could see his figure through the dark as he took his shirt off. "You can't see anything Y/N. Believe me I'm not worried about some 26 year olds tits." Rick replied.

You shook your head and slid off your shirt. Then with your jeans you were wearing. Leaving yourself in just your bra and panties.  You didn't even see Rick standing in front of you, admiring your body. "Put your flannel on." Rick demanded as he walked closer to you. His hands were trailing up and down your stomach. You were nervous at his touch. You quickly grabbed your flannel off your bed and put it on.

"You look so beautiful, Y/N." Rick whispers in your ear making you whimper. Rick softly pushed you onto the bottom bunk bed and began kissing your neck. "Rick..I thought-" you paused when Rick started to glide his fingers down your underwear. "I thought you hated me." You said as you whimpered at his touch.

Rick started to pump his fingers in and out of you making you arch your back. "Still think I hate you?" He asked. You quickly shook your head no. Rick smiled at how vulnerable you looked beneath him. He removed his fingers from inside of you, and took his own pants off. You tried to grab his hand so he would put it back but he swatted your hand.

"Don't be greedy." He huffed. His cock was big, and the sight of it made your pussy throb. He stroked it a few times before entering you. His size was overwhelming and the pleasure was unbearable. He thrusted in and out of you over and over again until you were on the edge.

"Please Rick, fuck me harder!" You said louder than you intended to. Rick put his hand over your mouth to silence you and kept it that way until you came onto him. He knew you came because you were shaking and silent. He soon came to and crashed down next to you.

"You're mine". Rick said into your ear as he covered you both up.

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