carl grimes smut / boss

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The doors of your bedroom opened with a slam. It was none other than Carl Grimes. "Time to leave." He said, standing in the entrance of your room. You sat up. "Can i have a minute to get dressed?" Carl scoffed, rolling his eyes. "We're suppose to leave now." You stand up and walk towards him. "I need to get changed."

Carl didn't move. "Change then." You shrugged and made your way to your dresser to grab a shirt. He watched you closely as you took off your shirt and put a different one on. "Gonna go out in pajama pants?" He asked with a laugh. You rolled your eyes, stripping your pajama bottoms off and putting on some jeans.

"Done watching me, perv?" You tease. "You wanted me to watch." Carl replies before walking out. 

When you get outside, Carl is already waiting for you. "Took you long enough." He says, handing you a gun. "Took me five seconds asshole." When you are both armed, you start walking. "Where are we going anyway?" You ask Carl who is walking a few feet in front of you.

"Dad said that we should go check out some old diner." You walk a little faster so you are next to him. "What are we gonna find in a diner?" Carl shrugs, keeping his eyes on what's in front of him rather than you. "Dad said we should go do it so we're doing it." After a while, you guys find the diner. "Looks empty. Stay close." Carl tells you as he walks in to clear it. You stop walking because something bright and shiny catches your eye.

You laugh, picking up a necklace off the ground. Carl then realized that you had stopped walking. "Y/N I told you to stay close. Do you want us to die?!" His voice made you jump a little. "Sorry, I just thought this was cool." You say in a quieter tone than you meant.

Carl grabs ahold of your arm, forcing you to start walking again. "What the fuck Carl-" you take your arm away from his hold. "You're not the fucking boss of me!" Carl walks towards you, your back hitting the wall of the diner. "I'm doing this to protect you. So you don't do anything stupid getting yourself fucking killed." You look away from his eyes, that are so very close to you.

"I-I don't need your protection." He laughs when you speak. Carl wraps his arms around your waist, making you shudder. "If you don't need my protection, then why do you always cling to me when we're on runs? Why do you always ask my dad where I am and what I'm doing?" Your cheeks go red when you realize Rick had told Carl about the times when you asked for him.

"Yeah, don't get embarrassed now. He told me. Everyone tells me about the way you look at me Y/N." You feel your eyes begin to wet. It hurt your feelings that he was treating you like this. "Just leave me alone, Carl. I know you don't feel like that towards me so there's no need to embarrass me more than you already have." You look at him and shrug his hand off.

He pulls you back. "Who said I didn't Y/N?" You look at his eyes then at his lips. He comes closer to you, you could feel his breath on your neck. "I protect you for a reason." His words are hungry and wanting. You tremble as he places his hand on your neck. "Carl.." your voice trails off as he brings his mouth to yours. His lips danced with yours, the more you gave in the more moans that came from his mouth.

His hands stayed at your waist as he slipped his tongue in the kiss. You tugged at his hair making a slight whimper leave him. When you were about to take his shirt off, you felt a rain drop hit your forehead. You open your eyes to see Carl smiling. "I suppose we should go inside then, hm?" You smile back at the boy as he picks you up and takes you inside the diner. He places you on a counter and goes to shut the door.

Carl pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his skinny body. You thought to yourself for a moment 'this is really about to happen." Carl took your shirt off and tossed it on the floor with his.

"This okay?" He asks as he pulls down your jeans. You respond with a 'mhm' as he starts kissing you again. He slides down his pants revealing his very hard cock. Your mouth watered at the sight. The kiss deepened with every move you both made. "I'm gonna show you why I'm the boss of you, Y/N. Why you have to listen to me." A soft moan left your mouth when he said that.

"Suck my dick." Carl grunted as he shoved your head down to his erection. You looked up at him submissively. "Don't give me that look. Get to fucking sucking."

That was all it took for you to start bobbing your head up and down his length. "Fuck..." he moaned. You went faster, resulting in his hand taking a fistful of your hair. You could feel his cock twitch inside of your mouth. "Mmmm." He whispers as he lifts your head off of his dick.

"You're such a whore."

He smashed his lips onto yours, dragging his tongue across your bottom lip where some pre cum was left. "I'm going to fuck you so good you're gonna forget your own name, Y/N." He picked you up and laid you down on the countertop.

He pulled your underwear to the side, revealing a very wet cunt. "This for me?" He asks in a deeper voice than his natural tone. You could tell he had been waiting for this. He wanted you, so badly. "Yes Carl." You reply in a needy tone. He rocked his head back as he entered you. You let out a shaky breath as he went faster and faster. He wasted no time.

"This is for all the fucking disrespect you give me, all the shit I do to protect you-" his words were cut off by his own moan leaving his mouth as he watched your breasts move up and down. He flipped you over suddenly, but still didn't pull out.

He lifted his hand up, and smacked it across your ass. "Fuck me, Carl!" You yell out. He quickened his pace , squeezing your ass as he did so. "You like that? Fucking slut." You nod in response, gripping the edge of the counter. Tears begin to brim your eyes when you realize your so close to cumming.

"Carl, I'm almost-" He cut you off by tugging your hair. "I'll tell you when your done." He let go and put both hands on your ass now. "CARL!" You practically scream as you cum all over his dick. He kept going even after you did cum. Your head fell to the counter top, trying to catch your breath.

"F-Fuck..." Carl whimpers as he slows his pace. His thrusts are sloppy as his head falls down. He pulls out of you, turning you on your back. He cums all over your stomach. "Clean yourself up." He tells you as he hops off the counter, getting himself dressed. After he's done getting dressed, he looks over at you who's still naked.

"I'll be waiting outside."


Damn Carl, no aftercare ?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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